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  1. Don, I am 2 months late and I apologize for that. But I wanted to express my deepest sympathy. Kelly
  2. I will always remember Dean as he and I share a birthday. Dean will also be remembered by the wonderful perspective he had on life. I feel so honored to have been able to read the beautiful things Dean had to say. You truly will be missed. Kelly
  3. Today, my mom would have had her 50th birthday :'( I know that we would have had something nice for her and I would have loved to take her to a very fancy restaurant overlooking the city. Nice things like that were very few and far between during her lifetime. I just hope in heaven she is being rewarded greatly for all the love she gave while on this earth. The year mark was Sept 3rd. I spent the weekend in Canada. Some of me wanted to be here in Pittsburgh and some of me wanted to be as far away as possible. Today I visited her grave, something I dont do very often because when I cry like I do when I go there my head throbs for 2 days. I feel angry that she was taken away so early and I am still trying to get over that. It feels as new and raw as the day she passed and oh God it hurts. Just wanted to share this with people who understand. Thanks for listening. Kelly
  4. Dianne, Yours is great - I think I'll use it!! One thing that I've noticed. Quite a few people here who have lc or whose loved one has lc also were exposed to some other known cancer causing substance/area. I know the same is true for my mom too. If they start doing more research on finding a cure for lung cancer and possibly finding ALL the causes instead of just linking them all to smoking we will start making some real progress. lets face it probably every one of us has been exposed to some form of second hand smoke whether we wanted to be exposed or not... One of my favorite websites is www.thetruth.com check it out if you have a minute, theres some really good information on it. Like this quote: 70 percent of smokers want to quit. Only about 5 percent actually succeed every year. Just food for thought.
  5. for the "Oh, Did he/she smoke?" I've been trying to come up with one for the people who keep asking. Thanks
  6. So Im not the only one who wanted to spit fire after I read this. I can't believe someone greenlighted that. I was trying to find how to leave feedback or write to the obviously uneducated (as far as lc goes) author. Does anyone know how to write back? Now all these people are all of a sudden are talking about lung cancer but they are doing it the wrong way. Just contributing to the stigma over and over... When will it end.
  7. Peggy, I am so shocked to hear this news. I am so sorry. Kelly
  8. I am really shocked and sad to hear this news. My prayers are with Karen, Becky, and especially sweet Faith. I too, hope it was peaceful. David will be missed by many. Thank you for letting us know, Beth. Kelly
  9. osirus226

    My Mom

    Fay, I have not been to the year mark yet for my mom but I know it will be a hard day. My thoughts are with you and many hugs to you too. Kelly
  10. Thank you to all of you who posted. Your being here makes me feel human and lets me know that I'm not the only one on this wretched path. I am sorry that it took me so long to post this. I am still trying to decide whether or not going to a group would help me. I would really like my sister to go with me but I am not sure that she is the kind of person who opens up to others, especially in a group format. Anyway, I just wanted to post a thank you to all of you. Kelly
  11. osirus226

    1 Year today

    I know this is really really late, but I just want to express my sympathy for the loss of your father. Our parents have a special place in our hearts and when we lose them there is nothing that can replace that big gap that is left. 1 year seems like forever but at the same time seems like just yesterday. It really isnt just another day. Kelly
  12. I am so sorry that you have nobody to talk to to share your thoughts with. I truly know how that feels. I really like your honesty about your feelings. People here really understand what you are going through and we are all here side by side, getting through this together. My thoughts are with you. Kelly
  13. Shellie, I know exactly what you mean about the time just a floating by. It is quickly coming up on a year for my mom and I just cant fathom that I haven't seen her beautiful face for that long. Just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Kelly
  14. osirus226


    Lori, The truth is, if you want to talk to your dad again, he is right there with you. I am sorry that you feel this way. I know how hard it is for the months to just fly by and the pain doesnt get any easier. I wish there was something I could say to lessen it but there just arent words. Just know that there are people here that are feeling the exact things you are. I agree about being public with our sadness, I wouldn't care at all who saw me while I'm bawling while driving. Dont know why driving alone is what does me in.. Anyway, here is a big hug from me to you. Hope that helped some.
  15. I'm a little late to the party but I just wanted to say that I am sure that your Dennis is with you. The song is your proof. My mom sends me gifts all the time, I love it. Happy Birthday Dennis!
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