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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Tess, I am sooooo sorry to hear about your mom. I just don't know what else to say. It just seems you have had more than your share of pain and heartache. Your family members are truly blessed to have you , but I hope you have someone you can lean on , as well. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and of course you know that this family will be here for you. Luv, Sue
  2. Welcome to our family, Rebecca, When you learn more of the details of Dan's diagnosis you will have a better idea what you are dealing with. Once you know what is the next step and a treatment plan is established, you will begin to feel better. Just know that you have found a wonderful group here to help you along the way. There's nearly always someone that is familiar with what you are going through. God Bless. Sue
  3. shineladysue

    Prayers for my mom

    Erica, Prayers on the way for you and your mom. Sue
  4. Happy Birthday Lucie and Here's to many more!!! Love, Sue
  5. shineladysue


    (((Kim))), It's great having a sis like you. You're such a special, kind and loving person. This is a special kind of family and we need each other. Sue
  6. Frank, It's good to see you here today, but I'm so sorry to hear about all you have to go through. Just know that you can count on my prayers along with the rest for strength to get through the treatments and for rapid healing. Sue
  7. Cindi, I'm so sorry you are still so short of breath , but glad to hear about the effusion. I sure hope they can find answers and solutions for you soon. I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel. Hang in there and know that there are lots of prayers coming your way. Sue
  8. Me 8. Frank you are loved and cared about. Hope to hear from you soon Sue
  9. Thanks Tina, Yeah Cindi, I've been searching this board looking for your update on yesterday. How are you? Take care and know there are folks out here that care about you. Sue
  10. Sharon, I agree with TAnn. "God made the decision, not you. " You loved your Dad with all your heart and you were a wonderful daughter to him. Please don't keep torturing yourself like this. Your Dad is at peace now. I hope you can find comfort in that. God Bless you. Sue
  11. Charlie, This is wonderful news!!! Celebrate!!! Keeping you in our prayers. Sue
  12. Karen and David, I am so happy for you. This is WONDERFUL news!!! Sorry about your ER experience.. Guess it takes all kinds, but that's totally unnecessary. I would have to report that kind of treatment. The fact is, if it's not reported, they will continue to treat others the same way. Best of luck with the selling of the house. Yesssssssss!!! this was indeed great news, Chapmans. It made my day. Sue
  13. Thanks for keeping us informed , Patti. We think Frank is a pretty special guy. You can go ahead and tell him that. While you're at it , send him our hugs, love and prayers, but keep some for you and the rest of the family as well. We will be anxiously waiting the next update. Sue
  14. This looks like a good time to tell you Ginny how very much I appreciate you being here for all of us. Your posts bring comfort to me in many ways. I hope you will be here for the next 2000+ God Bless you. Sue
  15. Been watching Luna grow. My sister is gaga over her . She has a cat nearly 14 years old and diabetic. He still plays like a kitten. Just want you to know we are enjoying your kitty. Sue
  16. Peggy, Overall, this doesn't sound too bad. In fact , it sounds pretty good. It sounds like you have some good common sense doctors. Will be hoping for that Pet scan to be good in 2 weeks and that the weather will break so hubby can get that bike out. Take care and know that prayers are going up for you daily. (((Hugs))) Sue
  17. shineladysue

    FRANK Update

    Thanks Ry, for all you do. To Frank and Connie, know that you have tons of prayers coming your way. Frank this family needs you , as well. Will be praying and anxiously waiting an update on you. God Bless you!!! Sue
  18. Prayers coming for you Betty. Sure hope you will feel better very soon. Sue
  19. Carrie, Happy for you that your procedure is over with. Will keep you in my prayers for good results. Sue
  20. This is AWESOME News Kevin. I am so happy for you and your family. Sue
  21. I just wanted to jump in and welcome you. This is a wonderful group. Everyone here seems to jump in and help when they can. I think you will find everyone very supportive and very knowlegeable as well. Wishing you and your mom the best. Sue
  22. I'm so sorry. It just doesn't seem fair. Sending my prayers Sue
  23. Cindi, I don't know a thing about hearts and stuff., but from a common sense standpoint, this makes no sense to me. I would insist they explain it until it makes sense and or get another opinion. Just living with an idea like that would be torture. Hope you can get some peace of mind about it soon. (((Hugs))) Sue
  24. Kerry, I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. My prayers to your family. Sue
  25. Amy , Sure hope your Dad continues to get stronger and stronger. Hope they find a simple explanation for the blood. Keeping you in my prayers. Sue
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