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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. lukiss , I would just like to add that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know how you are doing. (((hugs))), sue
  2. Hi Janet, Welcome to the group. You will see, from my husband's profile, that he has stage IV nsclc. His is a recurrence on the bronchial stump ( where his lung was removed in 200l), to the lymph nodes and to the left adrenal gland. I don't know what information I can share with you except to say that he is doing pretty good right now. Fatigue is his only complaint. You will see his treatment has consisted of chemotherapy and some radiation . There is no special treatment due to the adrenal gland involvement. The doctor explained to us that this is primarilly lung cancer and the treatment is the same for all. In other words, if the cancer had originated in the adrenal gland, it may have been treated differently or with surgery, but in this case it is lung cancer spread to the adrenal gland. Thus far, chemotherapy has kept the adrenal tumor nearly stablized with only minor change over time. This is my understanding of the situation. Janet, I'm sure you will find that each cancer case is unique, but there is a lot of information and hope among the members here. Again, welcome and thank you for sharing with us. My best to you. sue
  3. Hi Driver 4, I just want to welcome you to the group. I don't know that I have much that I can add to what the others have said. I know that when Mike's appetite was down, rice and pasta dishes seemed to work the best. Good ole Chicken noodle soup seemed to hit the spot and soothe the nausea. Glad to hear your Dad ate better today. My best to you and your family. sue
  4. Mary, I'm glad you decided to join in and talk with this group. It must be very hard to live with someone that won't communicate with you about his illness. There is so much to be learned from the wonderful people on this board and lots of helpful, as well as hopeful experiences shared here. I hope you will find it a comfort to know that you are not alone going through this. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future. (((hugs))), sue
  5. Hi 1929, My husband started Alimta on Dec. 6th and has had a total of 3 treatments now.... The only side effects have been a slight rash and fatigue. Overall, it hasn't been a severe reaction at all. He will have scans on Feb. 2nd and get results on Feb. 7th. I will post that for the benefit of all. Along with the Alimta, vitamin B-12 shots are given every 3 treatments and folic acid is given daily. That's about all I can tell you at the moment. Remember, every cancer case is unique and every individual is unique. I believe in prayer and I will keep you and your wife in mine.. Feel free to pm me if you would like to ask any specific questions. I will do my best to answer. God Bless, sue
  6. A belated Happy Anniversary Beth . Got you in my prayers today for good scan results. hugs, sue
  7. Wonderful news Carrie!!! Praying for the same on your MRI. sue
  8. Wow Cindi, You throw a mean party... Two days later and it's still going. Count me in as long as the good news keeps coming in. Wooo Hooo!!! Bud light please... sue
  9. This is such wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you.. sue
  10. Barb, It does sound like you are one of the lucky ones, but I understand your feelings and concerns. It sounds like you have some concerns right now due to the swollen lymph nodes in your neck. If I were you, I would go to the doctor and have that checked out , as you should whether you had cancer in the past or not. Perhaps if you find out the cause of it and get properly medicated, it will relieve your anxiety. I would suggest you not ignore any health concern, but try to think positive and enjoy your life. Participating in this group should be a real comfort to you. There are some very kind and compassionate people that can relate to how you feel and offer suggestions . Glad you are here... God Bless, sue
  11. Melanie, I just want you to know that you can always find support, a hug and people to care here. God Bless you. sue
  12. Rick, Nice job. Have to admit I thought I was at the wrong place when I first saw this, but I really think this is much easier to navigate. Thanks for everything you do for us. sue
  13. Peggy, I loved your picture and I was thinking how well your hubby looks and your kindness shines through to the outside. You are a beautiful person. Thanks for sharing. Guess, I will have to work on one, but I hate my pic taken and hubby doesn't want his on now either. sue
  14. Bucky, I would just like to use this post to reccommend a site where I am very active. whyquit.com and the Freedom from tobacco support board is full of educational materials and support. My husband, Mike , quit smoking when he was first diagnosed , 4 years ago and I quit nearly two years ago when I was diagnosed with emphysema. Thanks to the support of this site, I quit cold turkey and I can't say enough wonderful things about it. If anyone is looking for somewhere to turn to, I would highly reccommend it. sue
  15. Lori, Sorry, I missed this earlier , but I have answered your pm. I don't know if I have given you an answer that will help or not. My husband put nothing on his rash and the treatment for it is steroids, which the onc would have to prescribe. Mike, says his rash isn't painful, itchy or uncomfortable. Topical remedies evidently aren't the answer in this case, but it would be best to ask your mom's doctor. I wrote you more in my pm... Hugs to you and mom. sue
  16. Beth, Glad you got the MRI done and I'll keep you in my prayers for good results... sue
  17. Beth, Here's keeping my fingers crossed for the best for you for tomorrow. Being a Virginian, I know about that forecast, but do you have to send that stuff down here to Norfolk after you get done with it.. lol That stuff we had yesterday sure did make a mess of traffic. One of my sons works emergency road service/ lockouts and he was on the roads. It was really a mess. Good luck Beth and hope ur feeling better... Let us know... sue
  18. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your great loss. May God be with you and your family. sue
  19. Welcome 1929, We are glad to have you here with us. I feel sure you will find the support you need at this site. It is wonderful to have somewhere like this to go to share your experiences. Sending prayers for you and your wife. sue
  20. Welcome Valery, You have joined a wonderful group. There are a lot of folks here that have cases similar to your mom's and I'm sure they will be along to give their support. We all help one another deal with the emotions. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, but it seems there is always someone up top to help us when we are down. My prayers to your mom and your family. sue
  21. Fay, There is a God!!! Wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you. hugs, sue
  22. Calintay, Know that you have my prayers for you and mom. God bless, sue
  23. Margaret , Your post is beautiful yet it moves me to tears. It arouses every emotion in me caused by this disease. I pray you and Jim can continue on in peace and love for a long time yet. God Bless you, sue
  24. Melanie, I just wanted to ditto everyone else. Don't take chances with infection. Fever is a danger sign. I know you may not want to hear this , but it may well be one that requires iv's in the hospital to take care of. The good news is that it will probably work if that's what is needed. Take care and don't hesitate to get help you have confidence in. sue
  25. I am so sorry to hear of your loss rosegarden. May God give you and your family the strength to get through the days ahead. God Bless you, sue
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