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Please offer your opinions. I don't see my Onc until next Monday. I have just looked at the radiologist's report on my chest CT scan of 11/1/04. I don't think this sounds good:

"Examination of the anterior segment of the left upper lobe redemonstrates an ill-defined area of nodularity. However, compared to the 2 previous studies, the findings have progressed. This area measures approximately 1.8 x 0.8 cm." IMPRESSION: "However, previously noted focal area of ill-defined nodularity in the anterior segment of the left upper lobe has progressed. It measures approximately 1.8 x 0.8 cm."

So, in early Jan. this "thing" was described as "Irregular opacity in the anterior left upper lobe appears minimally more prominent."

In April:Irregular approximate 5 mm spiculated nodule within left upper lobe is unchanged. Predominately linear anterior left upper parenchymal nodularity appears more prominent than seen previously." When I saw my Onc. in April he noticed that the "pictures" from April didn't quite line up with the ones from Jan and said that these "things" could appear to be larger than previously (by about a mm) because of that. Well, it looks like one of them is growing now - has more than tripled in size in three months.

I need your prayers, but I also need your opinions. Thanks

Muriel K

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Jumping to conclusions doesn't burn calories. As Don would say, don't borrow trouble.

Yes, the scans could mean any number of things, but you don't know (for sure) exactly what is being said.

Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the scans. If you are not satisfied with his answers, get a second opinion.

Remain calm. Place your seatback in the upright position, secure your oxygen mask before helping others... Could be nothing, as well, or nothing "important".

Crossing my fingers,


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Thanks Becky, but please cross your toes also. The nurse practitioner in my Oncs office just returned my call. She is going to schedule a PET scan for ASAP (probably early next week). She said not to worry until I know that we have something to worry about. But, she didn't sound very optimistic. I think those goblins that were bothering me about the same time that Debi was having them were real. I'll let you know what happens next.

Muriel K

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Don't know what to say except to try to NOT jump to conclusions. I did when I had a growth on the adrenal gland, the wording sounded just about as confusing as what I just read in your post but it was just fatty tissue. Scared the you know what right outta me.

Everything I can cross is crossed right now for you.



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Damn it Muriel....

I am keeping everything crossed that I have that this is just some scar tissue or something, and the CT just did a different "take" on it. I am here for you, your goblins are my goblins..and we will take them on together...

And the nurse is so right. No sense worrying until there is worrying to do.. it could just as soon be nothing as something.

And of course, you know that I know, that that is easier said than done. I hope you find some way to have some peace between now and next week..if you need me, I am here.

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Like Becky said, try to stay calm. Take deep breaths when it seems overwhelming. I can understand how upset you must be. They all sound scary sometimes, but it is my advice to save the worry for the time when you KNOW something is there. Next week must seem like an eternity but it will come and the results will be available soon enough.

You are in my prayers that it is nothing to be concerned about. I pray for you to have peace and comfort as you wait for the real results. I would be the same way and pray the same prayer if it was me in that situation. I hope you can get some sleep.


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UPDATE: The PET scan is scheduled for 7 am Wed (10th). Won't know results till Onc. appt. at 9 am on Mon. (15th). Onc's office cancelled the Nov 8th appt. and rescheduled for after the PET. Did I mention that we are moving to Orlando on Dec. 9th? I'm a little nervous.

Muriel K

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