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Need words of encouragement...


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okay guys, I posted here the other day feeling rather cocky because my daughters wedding is one month away, and Dad is feeling great. I went to visit him today and he looked wonderful but he informed me that his next CT Scan is two weeks before the wedding and we will get the results

on July 17th (the wedding is July 25th).... I thought he didn't have to have the CT till after the wedding, but his Onc will be on vacation the entire month of August so they want to do it now .... sooooo stressing I am....praying for good news so we can enjoy this wedding.... UGGGHHH why couldn't they have just waited!!!!!!! I cannot handle any bad news right now, I just can't... please please please say an extra prayer that everything looks good this time around... I am counting on all your support. Thanks guys... your the BEST. Love, Sharon

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I am one that wants to know as soon as possible in order to try whatever will be next for my Buddy. To me, waiting around is horrible. It will be 6 weeks from the last round of radiation before we see the drs and that is to long, however, it is giving him time to recup so i guess that is good. will keep your father in my prayers tonight. GOD BLESS

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