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Long time!!!


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Hi everyone! Im back! Ive taken a LONG break from posting, but have checked in with everyone often! There really is alot of good news going on here on the board!

I just thought that I would right and give everyone a peek into whats been going on with us. After my dads surgery, he went through some rough preventative chemo and now had his PET scan done. The news is not bad. Hes still NED (or so the dr. thinks), but did have a light on his PET. The dr. seems to think its just healing since the spot that lit up is right on the incision site. So, we will be back at the dr. for a CT in Feb. but the dr. told us not to worry about it. He said that if he thought it was anything, hed have him checked right away.

I do check in often, even if I dont post. I dont really have any new news, which I think is a good thing. Hope ya'll havent forgotten about me, I surely havent forgotten about you!


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Thanks for posting. Sounds like good news to me. Weatherman says you are getting snow today. Take it easy if you must go out! Looking forward to more good news with the next test. Donna G

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We haven't forgotten about you and your dad. In my prayers each day. Happy to hear that NED is a constant companion.

I love the picture of Mr. Biggs.

I am looking to adopt a small-medium size puppy...

Please keep us posted on how your dad is doing.

God Bless and prayers,


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