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Daddy and Mom just called - Scans were EXCELLENT... as a matter of fact the one spot they were concerned about on his lung that looked like it may have grown alittle at his last scan (which was 3 months ago) is now virtually GONE....(now remember he has had NO chemo since 2001) - I swear it is all the power of prayer as this man continues to amaze me. I CANNOT THANK YOU all enough for the prayers you have sent our way - We can now enjoy our daughters wedding next Friday evening and I CAN DANCE WITH MY DADDY!!!! May God bless each of you as he has done for us - I am thanking him for each day he has blessed us with. Love to you all... Sharon

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Wow Sharyn !!!!!!, what wonderful news!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I see there will be many tears of joy at this wedding!! :lol::lol:

Enjoy, you all certainly deserve it.

God bless and be well - Your Dad will be in my prayers

Bobmc- NSCLC stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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