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Staying strong

Guest naomicolwell

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Guest naomicolwell

Hi all.

Guess I will also join in and find out what the rest of you already know. My mom was diagnosed last May with stage 3b and although we did not have the option to operate, was doing well. She started with Iressa and has been doing great, last PET scan shows no sign of the cancer. Celebrated her one year with bad news, fluid on the lungs (pleurcy I think is what they called it) had both sides drained twice and now we have a tube inserted to drain at home. Changed her medication to Tarceva, doesn't seem like she is getting any better. She is sad and depressed and me being the oldest of two, staying strong, happy and trying to keep her preoccupied with other things, am starting to fade myself. Where can I get possible information from others that have gone throught this? Here? Should I prepare for the end?

What can I do?

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Hi, Naomi, and welcome. Sorry about your mom. There are many cases of survival here, including my wife, who was diagnosed Stage IV 2 years and 8 months ago. You seem to be doing what you need to do for your mom, but you also need to take care of you. This means having your own support system, whatever that may be. And, of course, you have this website for support. Hang in there. Let us know specifically what you want to know and what you need for support. Good luck. Don

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Hi, welcome. Sounds like you are giving great care. Laughter, diversion therapy are also needed and lots of prayers. Many times after chemo treatments people are down staged because they have a great response. Keep us posted. Donna G

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I find the 'be strong for mom' thing so draining, I have given myself persmission to do little things like get my nails done every weekend instead of every other, take off work to go to a yankees game, etc. it sounds so trivial compared to what my mom is facing but if I don't recharge I am of no use to her. whatever it takes, take care of yourself AND your mom. I am just learning about treatment options, etc., myself and I agree - knowledge is power and I feel calmer when I feel like I know what the heck everyone is talking about!

love and prayers,



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Hi all.

Where can I get possible information from others that have gone throught this? Here? Should I prepare for the end?

What can I do?

In answer to your questions... You will find most if not all of your answers right here at LCSC. That's what we are here for, and we will do our very best to walk the walk with you and get you through the rough spots.

Should you prepare for the end? NOPE, not at all!

There are MANY of us Stage 3B Lung Cancer Survivors out here, and I'm one that has been here for 10 years. So, please don't prepare for that part of this journey, just yet! Lung Cancer is NOT the death sentence it use to be. So, get that out of your head right this minute, okay? OKAY! :wink:

Your just in the beginning stages and you have lots to learn. We'll help you along. I will never and have never forgotten what it was like to start this journey, be it with me or my family memebers. So, I know your feeling very scared right now, and we all understand that fear.

Give mom a hug and take a deep breath, because this ride gets a little bumpy now and then. But, it's all doable. And Lung cancer even at Stage 3B can be beat!

Keep coming back and keep us informed.

Best to you and your wonderful mom.



P.S. Oh, as for staying strong, well... your going to have your ups and downs, so keep in mind, that's what we're here for. You don't always have to be strong.

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Hi Naomi,

So sorry to hear about your mom. But LC is not a death sentence. Please have faith and never, never give up. If one treatment does not work out, then have them try another.

So man people on this board have been through what you mom is going through and they are still around years later.

You mom is really scared and needs a lot of encouragement and love right now.

Just keep being there for her. That is one of the best medicines for her.

Prayers going out to her.


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Guest naomicolwell

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support.

On thursday at 7:30 a.m. she is having the left side drained, right side has a tube set up but x-ray shows no fluid. I plan on asking for the talc treatment, seems that a lot of people have had great success and that is a possible option. Not sure if I mentioned but she has moved from Iressa to Tarceva, so hopefully new medication will help. Will keep you posted after tomorrow.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you all for your encouragement. I will check in with you all tomorrow.

You are all amazing people.


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Welcome Naomi,

I know it is hard. We want everything to be ok and we sometimes try so hard to pretend it is. Try to make sure you are allowing your mom the chance to vent her fears and feelings without so much optimism that she feels foolish for her worries. We are here if you need to vent.


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