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Dealing with TXs again


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Just wanted to pop in and apologize for doing it so infrequently these last few months. Two jobs, two teenagers, Steve's constant health challenges,lung cancer advocacy and helping out with elderly relatives have taken a toll forcing me to really cut down on my computer time. I know you understand because we're all facing similar challenges, but I didn't want you to think that I just didn't care anymore.

Steve's cancer has returned in the liver so we are moving to Tarceva, possibly Alitma and have an appt. for an evaluation for RFA in San Francisco. His health is pretty compromised so I'm not sure how much more chemo assault he can tolerate. However, he remains determined in his resolve. He also is still treated by a retinologist for the bleeds which seem to be relentless in his retinas. He again tested legally blind today, but there is still hope that more vision will return.

Hoping that things are going well with you and that I can get a bit more time to check in with you more often....

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Now Joyce, if you were Martha you would have time to answer every post here, tend your large vegetable garden and crochet a bedspread. But thank goodness you are a real person with way too much on her plate. Remember to carve out some time for yourself. You have to stay physically healthy and mentally refreshed to handle all of this.

I hope the drs. have a successful treatment plan for Steve and that his sight has steady improvement.

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Well, darn! Joyce, I'm so disappointed to hear this, but I'm glad you've at least got the option to look at RFA and there are other treatments available.

I keep hoping to hear that Steve's eyesight has improved, and am really looking forward to that post one day.

How about Joyce? And how are the kids coping with all this? How are you doing with all the working, kids, relatives, etc? I'm very aware now, since it happened to me, that a meltdown can sneak up on you without warning. Please take care of yourself and I hope you have someone you can talk to.

Love and hugs,


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Thank you so much for all your caring and support. It really does help a lot. Here's our disappointing results. It turns out that Steve does not have one/two liver mets. His left lobe is completely gone (atrophy from the cancer??) and his right lobe has multiple lesions. So RAF is not a potential at this time. If we are able to reduce the number of lesions with some sort of chemotherapy, RAF or Cyberknife might be possible down the line. It was devastating news, but we are now pinning our hopes on Tarceva or possibly Alimta. It was a rough day.

The upbeat part of our day was that we stayed in SF for a meeting called "Together Facing Lung Cancer" at UCSF. The featured speaker was Dr. Jimmie Holland from Memorial Sloan-Kettering discussing her new book "The Human Side of Cancer, Living with Hope, Coping with Uncertainty." She was very encouraging. We were all given a copy of the book. There will be 7 of these sessions around the country and I would encourage you to go if there is one near you. It was also wonderful to meet the staff of Lung Cancer Alliance since they are one of the co-sponsors. We needed some hope after this a.m.'s appt. so this was really helpful. It's time to pick up our swords and shields and jump back in the fray!

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