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I'll be going for my 6 month CAT scan in August. Last night I was a mess; maybe I was worried about this. I couldn't sit still; I was a wreck. I am worried. :cry: What if my happy time is over. What if they see something. I'm really worried. I try to be upbeat, but deep down inside, I know I'll be in trouble sooner or later. How do I handle this? I try so hard to not worry, but it's there anyway. Oh well, I should keep going on and try and keep a good chin up!!!! I'll try.


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Joanie, dear...I wish I could just WISH for you not to worry and have it be so....but alas, I'm not that good! :wink:8)

But you know what I do? I make a CONSCIOUS DECISION to TABLE IT! The worry, I mean. I simply tell myself, "Look...you MIGHT reach a point where you have something big to worry about again. But until you DO...are you gonna spend every day in deep angst? Miserable? Like butter on a hot skillet?"

And I always tell myself, "No way!!" So I table the worry until later....and most of the time, it turns out I don't HAVE anything big to worry about!

The thing about cancer, I guess...is that once we've had it....we've been officially WHACKED UPSIDE THE HEAD about our own vulnerability...our own mortality. Prior to cancer, it was easy enough to postpone worrying about any of the vagaries of growing older....until we got hit with something.

Getting hit with CANCER is about the ultimate. And it sets one's "worry meter" up a few notches...and ever after, it's hard not to worry at test time.

But again...I MAKE A CONSCIOUS DECISION TO TABLE THE WORRY TILL LATER!! That gets me thru a few days without being wracked with worry...and invariably, my tests turn out fine!

None of us get promises with this disease, Joanie. I know you know that. But you've done just great and there is NO reason to think you won't continue to do great.

Make the decision not to worry and fret. Postpone it until....say....three days AFTER you have your scans. By then, you may well already have the results....and I'm betting you're still Dancin' with NED~!! :D

Now...take a deep breath...and table the worry for later...ok? 8)

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Dear Spunky,

The Lord is your Shepherd.

He will lead you and keep you.

Try to let Him carry the worry for now.

and try to remember how much we care and that we understand and empathize and send all kinds of love and support.

Loads are lighter when shared.

Let us help.


Pat and Brian

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Please don't worry! I am praying for you. When I start to pray for my dad to have clean scans in september I always think of you because you give me hope. You have to be strong..you have made it this far! Just know that i am thinking of you and that you are an inspiration to many people on this board (especially to me).


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Oh Joanie, I want to tell you not to worry, but I know how hard that can be as I tend to be a worrier myself. So I will say prayers not only for good results, but also the prayer I pray for myself, when I am over come with worry, which is to just leave it in His hands.

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Your note reminded me of the weekend I was overly freakin out and couldn't find my ativan :!:

I always think of Tuesdays with Morrie when Morrie says he gets down and depressed, rages, and then says to himself that he has given it enough time for now.

Cancer does not deserve one extra minute of our lives. We have to live with it of course, and I don't think the fear ever goes away, but don't spend any more time on it now. Today you are fine


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