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To our family : Brian's Day


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I'm so terribly sorry that the cancer has progressed. On the upside, your Doctor sounds aggressive and it's a positive thing that he thinks Brian can undertake more treatment so quickly!!

I will keep praying for you both. Hang in there. Blessings.


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Pat, I am so sorry to hear of this set back with Brian. I am so glad to know that your doctor is still ready and willing to continue the fight! That is a really great sign! I have read so many posts on this board from people who don't have those doctors with the desire to fight! I know how tired and scared you are right now. Just remember that you have so many friends here that are continually thinking of you and Brian and saying lots of prayers.

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Oh Pat, your post broke my heart. Just like Brian, my dad kept apologizing to me and my mom. It just shows the character of your wonderful husband. In all of the sad news I am glad that your doctor is still pressing on. Hang in there, my thoughts and prayers are with you both. You two are both so great!


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Pat & Brian,

I haven't posted much, but continue to read the posts from everyone. I think that because we live so close to each other and the fact that Brian and my mother started tarceva within a day of each other, I've kept a close eye on your posts just to see how you two are doing. I'm very sorry to hear that the tarceva didn't work. But, I think it is wonderful that you have a doctor that is willing to go the extra step to make sure you can figure out something that WILL work. And your attitude is so addicting. Everyone has their down days....but you seem to snap right back in place and continue to fight. I will continue to pray for Brian.


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