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FayA Hospital Information

Connie B

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Hello All,

As some of you know, I had a nice LOOONNNNGGG talk last night with our FayA. We laughed and we were serious, we laughed and we laughed some more! :wink::lol:

I am going to pass on to everyone the Hospital address and what you might wish to send her.

Send to: Pamela Fay Aguilar

C/O City of Hope National Medical Center

1500 East Duarte Road ROOM # 4131

Duarte, CA 91010

I wish to share with you that Fay will be having surgery on Monday August 29 at 7:40 a.m. and this surgery may go into the LATE afternoon. Her ROOM NUMBER WILL CHANGE after Monday! But, I'm sure if you sent it to the hospital attention Thoracic Surgery Ward she will get it as well.

I also wish to share with you (via Fay) that if you wish to give her a call, she would LOVE to hear from you. HOWEVER, please DO NOT call her on Sunday before her surgery, because she will be spending that day with her family and close friends.

As for a list of WHAT to send her. Well, Fay LOVES to read. She mentioned Gary Larson jokes, and any kind of Chicken Jokes, or Get Well Cards with or without CHICKENS! She would LOVE to have LOTS OF HAPPY CHEERFUL CARDS! Funny, cute, pee your pants laughing type cards or jokes! :wink: Good Uplifting Books will do the trick as well.

Please do NOT send flowers. Due to breathing problems and lung problems, they do NOT recommend sending LIVE FLOWERS! Now FAKE ones along with FAKE CHICKENS will do the TRICK! :roll::wink::lol:

Also, Fay loves Kids Art work. Please keep this at a PG 13 level if you send Artwork for her Room. Maybe have small kids or Grandkids make her Get Well Art Work that she can hang around her room! I love this idea! I might add these idea's are ALL idea's that Fay shared with me to share with all of you!

So, that's it for now. If anything changes, I will or someone else will keep you up to date! But, for now, I MISS YOU FAY and I'm PRAYING FOR YOU!

Gobble Gobble To FayA! Oh, during our talk last night, we decided to have Thanksgiving together this year, being I will be so close to her in distance. :D

This woman really has a BIRD issue! Turkey, chickens, I see a pattern here!!! :roll:

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Dang...now I'm wishing I hadn't thrown out my feather collection. I could have made Fay a nice bathrobe out of them for her hospital stay! :roll:

Thanks for all the info, Connie. I hope the hospital employs a beast of burden to cart all the incoming mail to Fay's room. I have a feeling they're going to need one.

By beast of burden...I mean:


Fay....you like? Meet your new mailman! 8)

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first of all, HOLY COW. Pamela was my mom's sister's name, and has been magical in my life ever since she passed away. that explains your magical presence.

I am SO glad to hear of some laughing, among the serious. Connie, thanks for the post. Fay, I am sending you love, prayers and the Patron Saint of the Chicken Cult....



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I saw Fay for about an hour this morning. She looks fantastic and, as always, that great attitude and sense of humor. She is such a role model for me. What a classy lady. She has really been through h*ll but is not near done with the fight.

The computer in her room is really! antique. It takes her a long time to do anything on it and it is very frustrating for her. She did say she would love cards. It is going to be a long month for her. I am only about a 1/2 drive from City of Hope so I plan on spending some time there. Fay really appreciates all your prayers and cyber hugs.

Nancy B

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Stepping up the prayers for you so you get home sooner.

Now about the postman, B.C. is just a few hours (oh well, maybe a few days) north of California. We don't get door to door delivery but have superboxes. I'm sure an exception could be made for that postman though.

Thinking of you.

gail p-m

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