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Do you have to pay a copay office visit when you get a flu shot and pnemonia shot.

Joel's primary is giving them out Nov. 19 ( I know that is late) and his pnemonia shot is a different day. Just wondering if he has to pay a copay for both visits.

He can go to our local pharmacy CVS next week and get both shots but insurance will not cover it. So one shot is 25.00 and the other is 35.00 equaling $60.00.

But if he has to pay a copay for his Primary doc. for both visits, that would equal 40.00. So for an extra 20.00 he could get his shots next week.

I know I could call the docs office and ask, but I wanted to run it by you guys first.

His pulmonary only gives them out to Medicare patients. Did not ask his Onochologist.




I get the flu shot free from the VA.(if there is enough).

If Joel was a veteran he can get the flu and pnuemonia shots at the VA for very affordable.If by chance anyone is a disabled vet the shots are free of charge.

Connie pays a co-pay at the docs office for her shot.


Maryanne, I think you will find that they will charge a co-pay for each visit. My friend just had to pay a co-pay for both shots and she was furious. November 19th does seem a bit into the season. If it were me, I'd spring for the extra $20 and get it over and done with. I would call the doctor and ask about their policy toward the copays.


Every State, Med Office and Insurance is different.

I would suggest calling your doctor's office or your insurance company.

I have never paid a co-pay for a shot when they have Flu shot day here. They just bill my insurance company and I never see a bill.


I just got my flu and pneumonia shot this week. I paid nothing. I assume it will be billed to insurance...however there was not even any paperwork. They MAYBE mistakenly gave me mine for free. Now that I think about it...doesn't seem right, does it?



I'm on an HMO kind of thing.. I just go in and get the shots. They don't change me for a co-pay because I never "really" see the doctor. i just go in, wait, the nurse calls me back, I sit in a chair, get the shots and go. No office visit, no co-pay.

I don't pay a thing. My insurance covers the cost of the shots, all shots infact under my medical plan. Free is good!

Unless you are seeing your doctor I wouldn't think they would charge you a copay but I'd call and check too.

Good Luck!


Medicare Part B - no charge applies to patient

Secure Horizons pays 100% of the cost of flu shots for their clients - no copay

If you check out getaflushot.com, you can find places to get a shot without actually visiting a doctor's office (fire departments, senior centers, grocery stores that are holding clinics).

This is my first post. Back to lurking...


I pay nothing for innoculations. Last year, my doctor's office didn't have flu shots - I got mine at work. The nurses in the office at work couldn't get the shot, but mine was earmarked and I was called to get my butt out there and get poked. It was also advertised company-wide that there was no vaccine that year....hmmm...

You could try the health department in your area and check on cost and availability. Shots may be less expensive through them, and/or available sooner.

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