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update on my mom

Heather M.

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It's been a while since i've posted. Life has been extremely crazy. We found out in July that we are expecting our fourth child and recently found out that it's a boy. That will even out our tribe (two boys and two girls). Anyway, no good news today. A week ago, my mom woke up confused and unable to put her words together. At the hospital they discovered 5 new brain mets. She met with her radiation oncologist and he said the words i've been dreading for 14 months-- "I'm sorry, but there's nothing else we can do." So, we called hospice on Friday and we are dealing with the reality that my mom is dying. She is in and out of coherency and only gets out of bed to use her bed side commode. And then only with assistance. The last count, she had 11 tumors visible thru her skin. I can only imagine how many she has inside. Please pray for my mom. So far her pain level has been managable. Thank you.

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Heather, I am so sorry to hear the news about your mom. She has faught one heck of a battle. Hospice is wonderful and they should manage her pain level.

I pray for peace for her.

It is so tough to lose your mom. But with what she has, she is going to s better place and feeling pain free. She will always be with you and she will always be near you during your special times. Plus she will be smiling down on all those special times that her grandchilden will have.

Congrats!! on your up and coming birth of you 4th child. You certainly have a beautiful family.

Peace be with you, Hand in there.

We are always here for you.


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Heather, I am so sorry for your mother. I hope the pain management would be controlled well continuously. I know how sad it is for you to see your mom declining but please treasure each moment you get no matter what's / will be happening. My prayers are specially with you and mom.

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Heather, I am so very sorry to hear that you mom is not doing well. However, it is a blessing that her pain level in manageable and she is not in pain. I know how hard it is when you make that call to Hospice. Inside you feel so hopeless and helpless. Please remember that I am keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. This is a very difficult time for you right now. Please take very good care of yourself and that precious little guy that's growing inside you!

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I am so so sorry about your mom. It is such a difficult time when you are told "there is nothing else we can do".... I know it feels like the floor has fallen out from under you. These next few weeks will be the most challenging and I am praying for your strength and peace and comfort for your Mom...

Your unborn son will have his very own guardian angel... she will never be far from you. Love, Sharon

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I'm so sorry that you heard those dreaded words.

I am praying that your Mom will continue to be comfortable.

I am praying that you and your famly will find strength to carry each other through. Please rely on us here too. I remember how pregnancy was...the ups and downs emotionally. We are here for you.



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