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One year ago


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I'm sorry Katie! You were too quick for me. I edited before you posted. I was afraid what I wrote would be too much of a downer... So I blogged it instead.

It ended up not being such a downer, so I'll share the link so you all can see if you wish that Katie's reference to my Steeler reference really did make sense. ;)


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October 13 was the anniversary of my dad's diagnosis. The week leading up to the anniversary and the day itself were very hard to handle. I kept thinking that October 13 was the day my life ended as it had been, that from now on, I would never be happy again. I also thought my dad would make it through - and that we would have at least a few years.

I am sorry for your sadness and send you warm thoughts and prayers.


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I know just how you are feeling. I lost my dad about a month and a half ago and I feel so angry most of the time that it is overwhelming. Like you, I never thought that my dad would lose his fight. It never even occurred to me that he would not be here for the holidays with us. The holidays have no meaning for me this year. If it weren't for my kids and my mom, I wouldn't even bother. The ache inside never seems to go away. I feel so badly for you that you were robbed of your mom getting to know your child. At least my kids got to know what a great man their grandfather was. This disease is so unfair and so random in who it chooses to spare and who it chooses to take away from us. I hate this disease and I hate that it has taken away someone who was so important to me. Please know that I feel your pain and I am so sorry for the emptiness you feel without your mom. I understand....

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Honey, I am going to read your blogspot, but even before I do I want to send you a hug and lots of support.

I feel as though I know your mother, because I have been given a glimpse of her daughter's soul.

Lots of love

Pat and a big hug from Brian, who is listening to the CD right now.

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Val, I am so sorry. Anniversaries of "these dates" are extremely hard.... I guess I consider myself somewhat "lucky" because I don't remember the date I got the news about my Daddy, only that it was sometime in January.... And that is when the world never seemed the same again. Please know I am thinking of you and praying for you.... and I know your mom is close by. Love, Sharon

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Val...just know that I'm hurting right now...for me and for you! It's so strange that I can so easily forget some things in my mind but anything to do with Dennis and his illness seems to always be right there in my mind. I can remember diagnosis dates, treatment dates, good days...bad days... I guess we'll never forget and never stop hurting but we will hopefully learn to deal with the pain! Saying prayers for you, Val.

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Your blog starts out with the good news and then the dreaded news comes. I so know how you feel.

On Oct 17th of last year, my youngest son was in a car accident while I was out of state for a weekend of fun. His car rolled 3 times and only by the grace of God, my son and his 3 friends, walked away. I was so thankful! I thanked God over and over. Then 5 days later, my Mom was diagnosed and life as I knew it, would no longer be.

I am grateful that I had almost a full year with her before she lost her battle, but of course, I want more.

I really just wanted you to know I know how you feel and your not alone!


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Val, hang in there. My mom was diagnosed 1 week before her birthday and died 2weeks before her birthday. October is not a good month for me. Having a family member with cancer is such a roller coaster ride of emotions. And, when they do pass away, once the inital shock is over, you think the roller coaster ride has ended, but instead it's like they just stopped the ride for inspection, and then the ride continues! But, after riding it for so long, I think the ride becomes less challanging. You know what to expect, but there is always that "hill or tunnel" that you forgot about.

God knows I pour my guts out on this board sometimes, so don't ever feel like you can't let it all out! :wink: We're all here for you!

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