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Update on Thomas


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Hello my cyber family. Onc gave Thomas more intravenous fluids today, and some IV dexamethasone. He can’t discuss or offer any chemo until the liver enzymes behave. It is out of whack at the moment and it is causing him to turn yellow, and not eat. We are scheduled for BRAIN MRI to rule out brain mets tomorrow and Thursday, Ultrasound on the liver. Friday, we supposed to review all the scans and go from there. I am a walking zombie and you guys are keeping me going. I asked all his children to go with him on the reading on Friday, I need to pray for more strength for myself. I will keep you guys posted. Keep the prayer warriors going.

Love you all.


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Prayers continue. I understand the zombie comment. You need to try your best to get some rest even if it is a short nap here and there. I know it's hard to turn your mind off...praying for comfort and strength for you both and for the doctors to have wisdom. Take care.

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