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Help with diarrhea


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Ken has started a new clinical trial drug, only the 4th one in a phase II trial to get it. He takes 3 capsules twice a day. While he has had a constant problem with diarrhea since he has been in treatment this time it is really bad. Not to be indelicate but his bottom is really hurting. He's tried Prep H and Prep H wipes but nothing is helping. He says if this keeps up he is going to stop the drug. Does anyone have any suggestions for relief? Immodium is the only OTC drug I can find and it is not working. Thanks.

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Dont' know how to stop the problem but try some diaper cream for the sore butt.

The zinc oxide (or whatever they use now) helps form a barrier.......just like on a baby's butt!

This also works great for a sore nose when you have a cold - just don't go out with it on!!!!


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Like Geri said baby whips might help but I have to get the ones for Gary with out aleo in it. I have always bought Gary FLEET PAIN- RELIEF PADS even before the cancer. It is hard to find but drugstore.com has them.It is worth a try. He gets worse if aleo is in it and it is not in fleet.. Gary has a Big bottle of Immodium and the ONC said he would only give him a script if the max dose of immodium didn't help. So far it has worked.


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Karen, sorry to hear Ken is having these drug related issues. I know that the doctor prescribed something that worked like a charm for Dennis but can't remember the name of it to save my life. Maybe someone else will come to your rescue on this one. As for the irritation, I found that regular cornstarch can help to some extent. It seems to dry and soothe. Praying things are better. Call me if there is anything you need. I'm just a hop and skip away.

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I don't know if this will help. My little one would have a terrible rash anytime he would get an upset stomach. His doctor recommended Mylanta. Put it in a little cup and let it dry to a pasty form and rub on the area around your bottom that's sensitive. There is also a medication you can get at drug stores. It's called "Beaudreaux's Butt Paste" (no kidding). Everyone I have talked to says its good stuff.



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Hi -

In addition to everyone else's suggestion....how about a peri bottle with warm water instead of major wiping? Or even a sitz bath - the kind that can sit right on the toilet. I do know that the Bag Balm (in the green tub -- as someone mentioned does wonders.) Lastly, the Prep H wipes and Tucks seem to be more soothing if kept cold....like in the fridge.

Here's hoping that things "slow down" soon.



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Thank you so much everyone for all the great suggestions. With a new baby in the family (our daughters) I am surprised I did not think of some of them myself. He insists he is doing better, it was just a really rough weekend and we were out of town. Went over to Orlando, we were going to go to MGM to see the Osbourne family Christmas lights, but he got really sick so we are putting it off. I told him we could go back for my birthday (28th), it's only a little over an hour away. Hopefully, he will adjust to this new drug and we will make it next time.

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