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It has been one week

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It has been one week since my mom left. The memorial service was so beautiful, we had over 350 people -- it was one of the most uplifting experiences in my life, as painful as it was. She was such a woman of great faith and wasn't shy to show it --- that so clearly came through at the service.

For all you caregivers, you are truly doing God's work -- you have been recruited! I can honestly say that as painful and terrifying as the last five months have been, I am honored to have been able to take care of my mom -- it was a privilege. Yet, I miss her so much that some of the hours are unbearable.....but I know we gave her the best care possible and that she was peace.

I want to thank everyone for all the prayers (please keep praying, especially for my dad) and the support. I don't think I could have gotten through her illness, the birth of Caroline or any of this without this board.

I made a committment to my mom to stay dedicated to those who come to this board for comfort and support...so I am not going anywhere.

I will post my mom's obituary and some thoughts on her final days under grieving.

All my love and thanks,


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Dear Holly,

I must have missed the post when you told us about the passing of your mom. I was away and I am sorry I missed it.

I am so sorry that she passed. I know how hard that is and especailly for your that Caroline will not know her grandmom. I know that you mom will be looking out for her.

Your mom was such a special lady and to have so many people at her funeral reflects that.

Keep a scrapbook of your mom for Caroline. That will keep your moms memories alive and would be so priceless for her.

Prayers sent to you and your dad.

Peace be with you all.


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Hi Holly: I am glad you are staying with the group. How is that little baby of yours? Maybe you could have 2 pictures on your profile as others do. One of you and your mom, and one of you and your little girl. You and your family have my continued prayers in your time of grief.

Don M

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I have been thinking about you the last week...wondering how you're doing.

I'm so happy that you are going to continue to be a part of this group.

Please remember we are here for you when you need us.

Warm Hugs,


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Hi Holly,

I agree with you...I feel it was an honor and a privledge totake care of my Mom. Its been 2 months for me and it is better...I dont think about it all day but still sometimes the thought that she will not be there anymore can take my breath away. Im glad your Moms service was so beautiful, Im sure she was proud of you. Being here on this board seems to help me so I hope it helps you too. Love, Janet

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