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Leslie Update from Mark


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I talked to Mark last night. He is doing well and taking care of all the things one has to do under these circumstances.

He wanted to be sure everyone here knew that Leslie's passing was extremely peaceful and he was comforted by that....no pain. He has much support from all the folks in the little town where he lives. No surprise to us that Leslie touched everyone who lives there too. Friday afternoon there will be a memorial service, and already a memory garden is being planned in the town sqaure area, I believe.

I am not sure Mark understood just how powerful a force Leslie was here. He understands that now. I helped him locate the threads that had been started when it became apparent that Leslie was absent. He said he would read them all. He is planning to come back and post when he feels ready. I think he would enjoy reading Leslie's past posts as well, so I will explain how to do that when he is ready.

Leslie was special to so many of us in many different ways. Mark is special too, a remarkable man....no surprise.

He so wanted us all to know he is grateful that he had Leslie this past year. Initially that was not to happen. He is grateful for the support we provided Leslie too. I thanked him for all Leslie has done for us here. He had just emailed an obituary notice to 3 newspapers yesterday. So that will be forthcomig.

As we continue to mourn, let us find comfort in the peace we know Leslie has attained.


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Thank you so much Kasey for the update. I was really wondering how Mark was doing.

She was so special, I can just see this garden flousishing in her name.

Looking forward in reading her obit.

Thanks again,


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Thank you , Kasey. I do hope Mark knows how much we cared for Leslie and I hope he will join us later. When Leslie had the picture of her fish face up, it always brought a smile to my heart. It just said so much about the spirted, optimistic, fun loving person she was. When she shared her trip to Rome with us, I enjoyed the sights, but most of all I enjoyed the story that she and Mark told in facial expressions. It was a joy to share those times plus so many of her words and the spirted attitude Leslie brought to this board. I won't forget her



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I am soo soo sorry about Leslie's passing...I did not see the post and I am devastated...She looked so full of life in her 'fish face' picture...alway's smiled when I saw that...My deepest smypathy to Mark and family....prayers for everyone...we all know that Leslie is in a better place but still so sad...sigh...

hugs to all ...PamS.

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Leslie was one of the first people who contacted me when I first posted...and I was so terrified and scared....she was amazing in her responses to me. I will miss her terribly. I feel for all the people on this board who have been so close to her and shared so much. It goes without saying that my heart goes out to mark...

Love to all,


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I am just heartbroken. I missed the post of her passing, and am just now made aware that she is gone from us. I am so going to miss her. She was a wonderful and beautiful lady who gave so much of herself to help me, and so many others here. She had such empathy and a loving spirit mingled with a fabulous sense of humor.

I am so very sorry for the loss of Leslie and I will send my prayers to her family.

All my love


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I'm still shocked by her passing. She was so young and vibrant. Her confidence on beating this disease comforted more than we'll ever know. She was emphatic and thought of others, while she had deep concerns. My prayers continue for Mark, her family and friends.

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