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HI Folks,

Has anyone had a carboplatin/gemzan (gemcitabine) combo? Any feedback?


Z :

My wife rec'd Gemzar 1200mg. / carboplatin 200mg. ( 21-day cycle as I recall ) for ~ 7 to 8 months. Unfortunately, it did very little, if anything, to help her. Her condition, esp. lungs, slowly worsened over this time period.

Good luck. Responses are so individualized this combo may work for you. Warning : Gemzar gives a pretty uncomfortable burn when administered by peripheral vein. Slowing the drip rate helps but too slow effects toxicity and / or tx effect. May talk to the doc about a port-a-cath.


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Hi Z, I had that combo way big in the beginning. For me it did not work. Please keep in mind everyone is different. No side effects to speak off--my platelets did drop to the point I had to get two separate transfusions. They made adjustments and that took care of the low platelet problems. Out side of that pretty straight forward. If I remember correctly the first treatment is that Carpo/Gemzar and the second is just the one, forget which one. I was on a day one, day eight, day 21 schedule. Hope this helps. Prayers all goes well for you. Rich

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My dad took gemzar/vinoralbine for about 3 weeks but his blood counts became super unstable even though there was still shrinkage. It seems what is mild and wel tolerated for one person is the devil for another. So take that word of advice. Everybody is different.

Hugs and healing days for you,


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I had 4 rounds of carboplatin/gemzar for adjuvant chemo. I finished it last summer. I had minimal side effects.

I have read of several studies where carboplatin/gemzar treatment shows increased survival in late stage nsclc:


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Abstract


Don M

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Hello Z,

My husband, Bill, was on Gemzar/Carboplatin in a 21-day cycle, with the combination, Gemzar/Carbo for the first week, and Gemzar alone for the second.

The third week was just a visit to the oncologist, and then it began again. This went on for eight treatments (one was delayed and one was a lower dosage due to blood counts).

Bill's blood counts were up and down in a rollercoaster scenario for most of the time. He required Neupogen injections and Procrit, as well.

However, he completed the entire regimen.

He also needed a blood transfusion (2 bags) during the latter part. He felt fine during all the treatments. There was some burning at the injection site, and some swelling, but it was not major.

The final result was not very much change or stability, but progression with a neck lymph node that was problematic and causing discomfort.

Our oncologist changed regimens, and Bill is presently on Alimta. The neck nodule has shrunk and cannot be seen visibly. The neck discomfort has disappeared. The main side effect on Alimta (for Bill) has been fatigue.

Hope the regimen goes well for you, and that you have success. Chemotherapy drugs are noted for working well for some, holding things stable for others, and being of no help to a certain number.

Checking the drug site for each is very helpful as to possible side effects, and the like. It gives a "heads up" on things and can aid in being forewarned.

Hopefully, some day soon, there will be pretesting as a norm to ascertain the viability of one drug over another for each person, so that there will be less "guess" factor involved.


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Hi Z,

I had 8 cycles of the gemcitibine/carbo. Shrinkage after 6 cycles was over 50%. I get anothe ct tomorrow to see the results of the last 2 cycles. My big problem has been blood counts. In fact I only had 1 treatment for each of the last 2 cycles. My white count has been low over the last few cycles and my platelets have also been low twice.

My hair thinned - but I did not lose it. And once or twice I had some nausea (compazine took care of it).

Good luck!


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Hi Z -

My mother underwent this treatment plan from last Summer through Thanksgiving.

Her hair thinned a bit but nothing too bad at all.

Sometimes she was delayed in her treatments because her blood counts were low but they would give her some counter-acting meds to help.

Definately needed anti-nausea to be included with the drips. One time they neglected to use benadryl (or whatever anti-nausea meds they use) and she was quite sick the next couple of days. But, when they gave her the anti-nausea meds she was usually fine. Some diarrhea at points but helped a lot by Immodium.

It affected her taste buds a bit but nothing that was too difficult to work around.

Her biggest complaint was fatigue. She was just worn out by the end but she never got sick (flu or cold).

Finally, as you can see, something is working because her last PET scan, thankfully, shows clear.

All of these treatments are so individual but, overall, Mom's experience during the treatments was tolerable and the results have been excellent.

Best wishes! Meghan

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Thanks everyone for your input.

For an update... I have been recovering from surgery, slowly but surely. There was a decision to make about adjuvant chemo, and I hesitated for a while - felt overwhelmed by the surgery "after effects" and such. Finally, decided to go for a couple of rounds of carboplatin/gemcitabine - started last Wednesday.

I have been trying to work full time through all this, and manage life on my own, so it has been kind of crazy.

Now, I was told I can expect some hair thining on gemcitabine, but no real hair loss of any substance. 50% sounds substantial - did anyone else have that experience?

My best wishes to all,


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I was on Carboplatin/Gemzar from Nov. 2003 until July 2004 and and then they told me I was in remission. They have kept me on Iressa since August 2004. Last month PET scan showed a increase in activity but when did the Bone scan; that was negative. So who knows. Still on Iressa.

Sometimes bloodcount dropped and had to miss treatment. Hair thinned some and after treatment, felt awful for a few days; as well as I can remember.Couldn't eat very well but had a craving for boiled potatoes with butter on them. Believe I had diahrea also but can't complain since it put me in Remission. marion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Z, I did great on carbo/gemzar therapy. Was very hesitant to start any therapy at all because I am 73 and felt that if I started something it would make me sick. At time, no symptoms of lung cancer and I felt great. Anyway, I am stage 3B with Mets to mediastinum.

I did the first 2 chemo intravenous. Doctor told me he did not order port because he wasnt sure I would show up for treatment. :lol: He knew me :wink: After my first round I went for outpatient surg and had port implanted (onc nurses sure happy).

I am on my 4th round which will finish 3/31/06. At that time, onc wants me to consider minimal radiation.I tolerated the carbo/gemzar very well, with minimal post-nausea. They gave antinausea and sedative with chemo (in my room, about 5 of us just put our lazyboys back covered up with pillows and blanket and slept for a couple of hours...that was nice) One week of the therapy was blood counts and neupagen/leukine/procrit for low white counts, anemia, low platelet. Had "bone pain" from meds to raise blood count, but took care of it with pain med.

My catscan 3/1/06 showed my primary tumor lung had shrunk from 3.8cm to 2.something. Doc has to make radiologist report on sizes of lymphnodes to see if shrinkage. Anyway, I feel great and that is my onc and my goal, to keep mets from spreading bone/brain.

All in all, I am happy with the therapy I have been given. I hope you tolerate the treatment as well as I did.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Z,

I had gemzar/carbo for about 9 months. No bad side effects except some problems with my blood counts. I had to reschedule/miss a few doses due to low white counts or low platelets. I felt really good, had little fatigue, and had some hair thinning. I also suffered from nausea omce. After that I took compazine just to be safe.

My results were better than 60% reduction. I just started Alimta (2nd treatment last week) mostly due to the blood counts.

Good luck.


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Thanks everyone. I only managed to have one dose and then my counts were too low to get the second one. In the meantime, swelling was discovered in my supraclavicular lymph nodes... Now, I am again having radiation with carbo/alimpta chemo.


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