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many thanks


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Last year June my best friend got a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. found this site not long after. for 9 months i cared for my friend as he fought a great fight. he passed away last month. this site was a huge help. made me feel not so alone. thanks again.

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While I don't post here often, I find the people and stories to be just what I need, so I check in almost every day. I know what you mean about what comes from being here.

I am so sorry for your loss and wish you much peace and healing.


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Thank you for coming forward and sharing with us. I am so sorry about your friend. As a cancer survivor I would like to thank you from all of us for being there for your friend. We should all be so lucky as to have such a wonderful person in our lves.


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Hy Aym and WELCOME!

I, too, am sorry for the loss of your friend. I've lost a few in my life, too, including some on this very website. It hurts! We care! We have a Grieving forum here if you'd like to stick around and share your feelings some more.

Much love and many hugs,


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