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Connie B

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Just thought we better start a part three thread on all those that are dealing with the dreaded NODULES! :roll::roll::wink:

I had a CT scan last week to see what is going on with my nodule, but I don't have the results yet. When I get them I'll check in and let you know. I'm sure I'm fine!! I've been dealing with this little bugger for 4 years and it hasn't done anything yet! HOORAY!

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They found a small nodule on Joel's right lung 5 mil.

Found this back in Dec. CT on Monday, no change Stable.

Will be watching every 3 months. Just concerned as this was his lung that was clear.

Watching, waiting hoping like you Connie, no movement of change.


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Oh Maryanne...yuck...I hate to hear that. But I'm so glad it is stable! I'll be praying that it remains that way.

As for my nodule dilemma.... :roll: ....my profile pretty much says it all, for now. I did decide to become a patient at Mayo Clinic - I'll be seeing my new pulmonologist May 18th. He is a specialist in the area of single/multiple pulmonary nodules, so I'm really hoping he'll get to the bottom of this.

I'm glad the larger one has remained basically the same (1mm change) but I AM concerned about the development of the new ones. I know how you feel, Maryanne, when a previously unaffected lobe/lung is suddenly involved. I have no lobes left untouched, now.

Such a diagnostic dilemma, these small, "indeterminate" nodules create. I believe that when the ELCAP studies are completed, perhaps they will find that the reason early CT screening/detection has no effect on long-term survival is due to the present inability to do anything truly useful with the findings. By the time they can biopsy, these suckers often have reached the size or stage at which symptoms are apparent anyway, and early intervention is no longer an option... :roll:

Just my frustrated musings, over my cup 'o' Joe, this a.m. ..... :?

Peace & HOPE!!!


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I just HAD to share this PM I got from our friend Sam the other day. I asked him to please post it to the board, but he didn't. So, I am going to post it here for him. I think this is to important to not share with everyone. This is wonderful news and it proves that Nodules DO and CAN go away! :D:wink:




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From: skdgr81

To: Connie B

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:18 am

Subject: Re: Hello Connie

I got my results and the nodule isn't there. Ct results are normal - negative .. doc says no further follow up needed.

I feel so blessed..



I am 31

On July 8/05 developed a lump in one tonsil and pin and needle like pains that migrate through body, occasional double vision and weird headaches.

Went to doc several times and finally on 11/15 a 6mm noncalcified nodule found on upper left lobe ajacent to fissure. A borderline enlarged hilar lymph on right 1.5 cm. Recommended to wait 3-4 months to rescan for change.

No Diagnosis yet - occasional chest liver back head pain with strange pains that migrate through body. Doc says can't call it neoplastic til we find a neoplasm. I am nervous

All symptoms have resolved except a strange spasm in the left side of my chest. Esophagus maybe? There has to be another option than waiting..

Will be going for follow up Ct in a couple of weeks.. praying for best

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Just wanted to let you know that I have a 12mm nodule in my clear lung. It has been there since the beginning and it was never of any concern on any of my CT scans or PET scans. Then just before surgery it decided to light up when it had never lit up before. My surgeon insisted on a biopsy before he would do surgery. I had the biopsy and found out that it was scar tissue. If mine was nothing, Joel's could be also.

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Thanks for bringing this out Connie. Me and my nodules will be scanned next month. I too, have been dealing on and off with nodules since the beginning 5 years ago.

I understand the raisin bread analogy--CTs depend on how the picture (bread) is sliced.

I just get ansy because I know that BAC can be "multi-focular"

Doesn't matter though, because I am here and present on this earth!!!!


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WOOHOOO for "Houdini" nodules!!! :wink:

I'm so glad you shared this. I've been wondering about him.

I agree...it IS important to post the "other" results, as well. It helps give an accurate picture of the whole nodule drama.

Gail, you are right on about the whole slice thing. But since most CT's use 5mm collimation, a nodule larger than that would not be able to "hide" between slices, I think... (Tho' I would probably want another CT in a year, just to be safe...)

Great news, all the same!!! Thanks for sharing, and Congrats, Sam - if you're out there! :wink:


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Guest Narda99

Went this morning for my three month CT scan for my nodules. Waiting is so hard. I will be seeing my lung doctor on next Monday for the results and until then, I will be a nervous wreck!

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Andrea, that is exactly what my pulmonogist has said about nodules as well. I think that's wonderful news in the world of nodules.

I just got the results of my dreaded nodule and it is STABLE STILL with no change. :D I'm going on 4-1/2 years of watching my nodule. I do CT's every 6 months for my dreaded nodule. :roll::wink:

Life is good and I'm just going to enjoy it.

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That IS great news! On BOTH counts. Yes, there is such a high false-positive rate that careful observation is so warranted in many cases. I guess it depends on the control groups being studied, etc. but there are SO MANY factors that can alter the general 40% cancerous/ 60% benign stats people most likely are reading about on-line. Areas endemic for fungal diseases like histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis, for example, have a MUCH higher prevalence of benign nodules.

I didn't know 'til recently, but I guess once you get past a certain number of nodules, the management protocol changes. SPN's and "multiple" nodules are apparently handled differently, due to the greatly increased risk of metastatic disease. (Studies indicate that 80% of multiple nodules represent metastatic disease)

I had posted, elsewhere, that I decided to go to Mayo, and will be seeing my new pulmonologist May 18th. He has been a "nodule specialist" since at least 1992, that I can see, and has authored a number of reports and studies conducted through both Mayo Rochester, and here in Scottsdale. (some of the reports I have are co-authored by SJ Swenson, one of the docs in Andrea's report, above) It is my hope that this Dr. (Viggianno) will be able to shed some current, and accurate light on this whole nodule subject that I will be able to share with all our fellow NW's....

Well, with Sam's Houdini nodule, and Connie's stable one, this HAS been a good week in the nodule world, huh? :wink: Let's keep it going for Narda99, and Kasey's Fred, next week!!


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All I can say is 'ATTA GIRL, CONNIE' and 'ATTA BOY, SAM' :lol: !

I am overjoyed to hear this news on both counts! Now I hope Stacey is correct and the good nodule reports just keep on comin'!!!! Fred's turn is Tuesday and we have Narda's back to cover as well! Then Laurene seems to be haniging right in there with all of us too.

Connie...............great news, friend! Do some major resting up and rehab.....then everyone best LOOK OUT................cause you're BACK!!!!!! And we are so HAPPY!!!!



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HI all...my hubby went for pet scan for his nodule onThursday....after one month ct it got a little bigger so he was sent for pet...we are waiting on results as we speak.He has smoked for 27 years....so I am a little concerned. Heres hoping the good news continues for everyone!!!! Deb

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Hoping & praying, indeed! I was wondering about you two...what is it about these end of week appointments with you guys? Gotta schedule on a Monday! 8)

Seriously, I hope that by now, you have received some GOOD results!

And, I believe our dear KatieB said elsewhere in a post that she had her first screening CT....? How did that come out, Katie?

Praying for great results for ALL (and heading to the Pub, Cindi...gonna buy a round of celebratory drinks for all in faith that by this time next week, there will be plenty of good news to drink to! Good thing I'm only a cyber-lush.... :roll::lol::lol: )

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Had my 6 month follow-up scan for my 3 nodules. Results - stable with no new nodules found :lol: . Finally some good news for Kasey and me. However, (there always seems to be a however with these local doctors) after picking up a copy of the report this afternoon we found only two of my nodules were mentioned. Now do we assume the third nodule was stable - or even DISAPPEARED :lol::lol: ? Will need to follow-up tomorrow on that :? .

Thanks to everyone who had me in their thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.


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Hi Fred, I am thrilled to see a post from you and even happier to hear the great news. I am a fellow nodule watcher and my ct's have occasionally missed 1 or 2. They are SOOO tiny at mm that they can just be hard to see. I would take that as great news. I will lift my next bud light to this GREAT news Fred. You and Kasey deserve this. :D

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That's the BEST news I've heard all day! (and then some...) I am going to go do a serious happy dance around my pool (hopefully, without falling in :roll: ) and then I think I'll join Nik in tippin' a Bud Light in your honor. :wink:

And here's hoping that 3rd nodule has, indeed, disappeared - maybe it's run off with Sam's nodule...NEVER to be seen again! :wink:

Congrats to BOTH of you! ((((Kasey & Fred)))) and sending hugs for (((Tracy))) too, while I'm at it.

ALL my best!


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I'm going to hope and pray the third dreaded nodule is GONE! :D

I also agree that you and Kasey DO deserve some GOOD NEWS! Maybe this is a good sign that things are turning around for you and your family.

((((((FRED & KASEY))))))

I sure hope you two are going to celebrate?! :wink:

You desever to do that also!

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  • 3 months later...

Although I posted earlier in another forum about my stable nodules I thought I should add my nodule report to this forum for those who only check nodule updates.

Had a spiral CT scan on July 31 due to recently being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Was not scheduled for a scan until October but PC moved it up. Nodules are still stable and they only mentioned 2 nodules again. So assuming the third nodule in earlier reports has disappeared.

This makes one year for stable nodules. :D Next scan is scheduled for January 2007.


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This really is HIP HIP HOORAY NEWS!! :D:wink:

My doc just told me again yesterday that he was sooooo soooooooooooooo happy to see that my nodule hadn't change at ALL since my scan 6 months before. He said, that really is a GOOD SIGN! So, happy me for me, and HAPPY ME for YOU!!!! :wink:

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