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Would you rather......

Have the power to fly or the power to be invisible?


No question, I would love, love, love to fly.

Years ago, David Copperfield had a show on TV. One of his tricks was that he shrugged his shoulders and flew. Oh, the feeling I had when I saw that.

Did I say I would love to fly.


Although flying would really be fun, can you imagine how neat it would be to be invisible??? Just think of all the naughty little things you could see and all the private conversations you could hear. I think I would have to pick invisible....lol!


Invisible here also. I would love the feeling of flying, but I am too afraid of heights to attempt it.


I would have to say invisible.

Think of it this way... If you were to fly would it be like physical exercise like running? If so, then I would be too tired to fly anywhere far.

Plus if I were to fly far I could always ride in a plane.

As for being invisible, there's no modern contraption that could produce it.


talk about being a fly on a wall. Definetely it would be invisible.

You can always learn to sky dive or learn to use a glider, but invisible. Oh that would be so much fun!!

Maryanne :wink:

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