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Hello and an Update

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I haven't been able to post much lately, Dad has had a rough couple of months, but I have been checking in and just wanted to let everyone know that I continue to keep you all in my prayers and wish you all the best, always.

I feel that in the last couple of weeks, Dad has made much progress. Although it's difficult for him to be very mobile with the extreme pain in his leg, the pain meds provide enough relief, most times, so that he can be comfortable while sitting and during the night while in bed. We have eliminated a medication (for nausea) that as it turned out was making him MORE nauseous as well as effecting his vision and making him sleepy all the time. All those problems disappeared when we discontinued the drug. He's also back on prednisone and this has dramatically improved his appetite, which for about a week was non existent, so that now he is eating at least one really good meal a day and several snack type foods throughout the rest of the day. We've been doing a lot of trial and error with his meds and I think we've finally hit on a schedule of *how and when* that is keeping adverse side effects in check. We saw the radiologist oncologist this morning and it's planned that on Friday, Dad will have one big dose of radiation to the leg and to the other trouble spot, the left side upper rib which the largest lung tumor has grown into. All in all, I would say we are on an upward swing and Dad is in much better physical condition to face the upcoming radiation. He is scheduled to see the medical oncologist at the end of July and the second line of chemo will begin shortly after if Dad agrees to it. Although most of the tumors and nodules have remained unchanged from the most recent cat scan, the largest mass has grown. Dad has made comments in the last few months that indicated he was apt to forego more chemo. Today however, at the radiologist, he asked me which type of chemo (taxotere) would be used the next time around. I feel that if the radiation is successful in reliving him of the pain (especially in his leg) and he can have a few really good weeks before having to make the decision about more chemo, that he'll probably go for it.

God Bless, Much Love,


p.s. To everyone who will be heading to Texas for the July 1st bash....I hope you all have a fabulous time, I'm sure you will, and I wish you all a safe journey.

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So glad to hear that your dad is on a rebound -- hope the radiation takes care of that darn pain!!! Glad to see he got some relief from meds changes -- I swear that's the toughest thing to understand and help unscramble as an advocate.

Keep us posted and hope YOU are doing well through all of this,


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It is good to see you on the board. I was happy to see your post. I am glad your dad is having the little victories...it seems that that is what we look for every day...some little victory that we can hang our hat on until the next time.

I pray for you and for your dad. I pray that He grants you peace, healing, and strength.

God bless,


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Don, Linda, Kathy and Jen,

Thank you so much for your prayers, best wishes and support. It means so much to me.

Dad was able to have the radiation early (it was originally scheduled for tomorrow but we got in yesterday). All seemed to go well and he was relatively comfortable throughout the procedure. We'll see over the next few days how successful the treatment was, I'm crossing all crossables :D


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sounds as if things might be on the right track for

your Dad. Alan is a year and a half into all this and

eating is still our biggest challenge. I am happy when Alan

gets 2 meals a day.

Many prayers coming your way for continued success with this next

round of treatments.

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