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Dad recently diagnosed

Guest migizicny

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Guest migizicny

Hi there. I am hoping to find comfort and wisdom form you all. My Dad, 69, was just diagnosed, tentatively, with st 2 nsclc. I am really scared. He is really scared.

I look forward to reading and hearing from you all.


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Hi Lisa,

Wanted to say hi and welcome to the board. Sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis and I know how scared you all must be.

This board is a great place for support, info and tons of people that care.

Please let us know how we can help you.

Lots of prayers for you and your family, Lisa.


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Hi Lisa,

I totally understand the fear you and your dad are going through. I hope you and he can take some comfort in knowing that there are alot of treatments out there for your dad. Also, there is alot of support, especially here, this is a great place.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions, you're sure to get some answers from people here!


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Oh boy do I remember when our family's journey began... to say that we were scared would be putting it mildly. This indeed is a very scary disease but there are thing you can do. You/Dad really MUST be an advocate for his health care. Learn all that you can and NEVER stop asking questions, and NEVER walk away without answers.

This board will be a great help. For now try to take a deep breath, try not to forget to enjoy being with each other and treasure each and every moment.


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I certainly do understand your fear. I think all of us here initially went through that fear stage. I sure know that I did. You said that your dad was Stage 2 NSCLC. That is a relatively early stage. Please talk with your doctor, oncologist, surgeon, radiologist and find out if he can have treatment followed by surgery. Lung cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Many people here including myself are in remission after treatment and/or surgery.

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Welcome to LCSC! This is an amazing place. When I joined here I was where you are...scared, scared, scared! Now, I am probably no less scared actually, but this place gives me so much peace. I come here every day and read other stories, learn more information, and am able to give more to my Dad.

My dad has Small Cell Lung Cancer, so I can't give you much information, but be sure to post when you have questions. That is super important.

My dad had a 2nd opinion from Mayo and that was easily the best decision we made. He just finished radiation and that has been a true blessing! Now we are in the wait stage until we find out "how it worked!"

God bless you and hugs to you and your family.


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Hello and welcome Lisa,

So sorry you had reason to find us here, but glad that you have.

Just let us know what we can do to help you along this journey and rest assured we will do all we can to answer questions, offer support and just be here when you need us,

Sending prayers and positive thoughts,


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Hi Lisa

Welcome here! Sorry you had to find us and I know how scared you must be.

First of all LC is NOT a death sentence. There are so many people on here who were told horrible stasticts and they are still here years later and doing wonderful. They can get this stablized with treatment and hopefully you dad can be a candidate for an operation.

If will get easier for you all once they start him on a treatment. There are so many out there, they just have to find the right one that will work for him.

We are always here for questions or support. Please keep us posted on his progress and make a profile that will appear on the bottom of your post. That will help us better understand what kind of LC he has and the staging.

If you go with you dad to his appointments take a pad and pen and write down what was said. Also if you have questions and you should write them down so you don't forget to ask the doc while you are there. If your mom goes tell her the same.

If will get better...


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Hi Lisa~

Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. It is ok to be scared. We all go through many cycles of emotion on this roller coaster ride.

This is a great place for emotional support and the most up to date treatment info. It has blessed me so much!


Kelly :D

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