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Hope this gives hope


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When I was diagnosed with limited stage sclc in January 2002, the one thing I wanted more than anything was to find a long term survivor. With that in mind, I just wanted to share my good news at reaching 4 years since my last chemo treatment for ls sclc. At my onc appointment this week the doc said only one more 4-month visit and then we can cut back to twice a year plus annual spiral CT scan. For those of you still fighting this battle, keep fighting - there are survivors and I believe they are growing in numbers.

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Congratulations! That kind of report does bring hope. I have to be frank about this though -- those of us dealing with Stage III or IV (metastatic lc), although we are happy for the Stage I or II folks and their longevity, really don't get a lot of hope unless the person is Stage III or IV with longevity. That is just the way it is. Keep those good reports coming, however. It brightens the day. Don

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I totally get what you are saying and I actually did think twice about posting because of the very factors you mentioned, I was limited stage and I was also relatively young at the time (44). I can only hope that we won't have to wait too long before medical research will discover a treatment that will enable people with extensive stage sclc to see similar survival times.

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Thank you Andrewsmom, I've been following your survivorship and am glad to hear you're still NED.

Regardless of stage, long term survivors of SCLC are rare. Taken from lungcancer.org:

"Survival of SCLC, despite stage and response to treatment, is generally poor. Close to 80 percent of limited stage patients achieve a complete response to therapy, yet average survival is less than two years. Those with extensive stage also have a high response rate of 70 to 80 percent, but average survival is about one year.

Approximately 90 percent of patients have a recurrence within the first three years. Chemotherapy can be effective as a "second-line" treatment, lengthening survival and palliating symptoms. However, objective response rates are less than 30 percent and median survival from recurrence is 26 weeks."

The medical community only recognizes SCLC by two stages, limited and extensive. The above quote is derived from statistic's and no individual is a statistic but one only needs to research this site to substantiate the poor prognosis for limited and extensive SCLC members.

When we were anticipating the results of my Dad's initial biopsy, we were praying it was NSCLC stage III as the original opinion suggested and not small cell. Surgery for a cure would still be an option after chemotherapy was used to shrink his 6 CM tumor. Chemotherapy and radiation are the only treatment options for SCLC, surgery for a cure is never an option.

So yes, your long term survival is very encouraging, you've beaten the odds. I only wish we had more male survivors. Congratulations and I wish you continued good health!

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I'm truly happy for you, however I cannot deny I am secretly jealous that my Dad did not go in the same direction. I always tell myself I should be content with the fact that he was around for 3 years. I don't think enough research is being conducted on SCLC.

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This really is Wonderful News! I'll add to your Hope list and that is, I have two very dear friends that are long term SCLC Survivors. My one friend is 71 years old and she was dx.d extensive small cell and she is now a 7 years survivor and still cancer free. My other friend who is 51 today :D was dx.d limited and she is a 6 year survivor and still cancer free. I also know another lady who was extensive and she is in her early 70's and she is a 15 years survivor and still cancer free. So, please know this can be beat for many many years. :wink:

Congratulations on your 4 WONDERFUL YEARS! YOU GO GIRL! :wink:

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I have a 3 month head start on you, my dx was Nov 2001.

Welcome to the "4 years plus since the end of tx club", this is truly a momentous occasion. You give hope to all newly dx sclc patients.

Here's to many, many more anniversaries.


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Congratulations! As you can see from my profile I was diagnosed with Ext small cell two years ago. Imagine that, the survival rate is blah, blah, blah. Everyone is different and I chose to speak life rather than the alternative.

Prayer works!


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