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Report from Joanie: 2-Sept ***UPDATED 5-SEPT***


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Hi everyone - I finally Broke Out!!!! Made it home today at 12:10. I think it totals something like 33 days. I gave Dag the biggest hug! I so missed him and of course, you guys. You really don't know how much you all mean to me. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I don't have much energy, that will take a while. The dr. didn't give me oxygen to use at home, i think they want me to be able to get around without it. I sure would like that. I am on a significant amount of pain meds, thank goodness for them. And the prednesone seems to make me totally wacky. But I guess in time these things will all work out. I'll be posting alot since I'm temporarily out of work. Keep smilin!!!!!

Joanie ((()))

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WELCOME HOME HONEY.... :mrgreen:

So great to see you post. Now you just relax keep on the pain pills and post when you can.

I think you have had enough of close calls and hospitals!!! You keep scaring us, but you always pull through...thank G-d.

You husband is wonderful and you can see how much he loves you.

take care and know I am sending you healing prayers.

Maryanne :wink:

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Sorry I missed this Friday, Joanie!!!! I am so happy to hear you are home again with your Dag too! It's good to be off work to give you time to get all built up and all...............and get that pain under control. In the mantime, I am really glad to hear you say you'll be posting!!!!!!! We miss you so when you're not here!


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