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Hello Everyone,

My name is Sandra, my father is 62 and has stage 4 non small cell lung cancer. We live in N.W. Arkansas. My husband drives truck cross country and all of the rest of the family is in Fla so it's just Dad and I doing the best we can. I also manage a restaurant full time so there are never enough hours in a day.

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Welcome, You can get a lot of support here. If you could tell us more about your dad’s cancer and treatment it would help us understand. You can put this in the profile. Click on profile and then you can put a time line in. Keep us posted.

Stay positive, :)


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Hello Sandra and welcome.

As the others have mentioned, you can fill in the profile information which will appear on your posts. It will give us an idea of what you Father's treatments are and have been to date and enable us to offer you more in the way of advice and support.

Let us know how we can help you out..

My best to you and your Father,


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