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Feeling of Sadness

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After seeing my Dad today, I felt great sadness, it was his birthday last week and we had another cake with our cup of coffee this morning.We put a candle on the top, lit it and sang Happy Birthday to him. I know he enjoyed such a simple family thing. He looks so very thin now, and can hardly walk around the room without help from Mum. She said he had been very sick yesterday.We try to take Mum out on Sundays for a break,as he wants her to go out. She would not go today as she did'nt want to leave him alone.Grant me the sernity to accept the things I can not change,courage to change the things I can to help them both during this sad journey. Sonia UK

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Try to get you Mum out of the house for a few minutes. It will give her the chance to talk with you and feel close to you, and it will make your Dad happy to see it.

Seems trite of me to say, but my thoughts are with you during this time of great sadness. Been there, done that ... and it really sucks. On the other hand, this is a time in life that is precious because it unites the family spirit.


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Hi Sonia

These are such hard and horrible times that you are going thru and I wish there were something I could say or do that will help lighten the load.

I found that making the most of the times I had left with Dad were as good as they could be and tried not to focus on what was actually happenning - easier said than done I know

My thoughts and prayers are with you

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Your gestures are wonderful for your dad for his birthday. It is such a gift you give your mum to take her out on Sundays. As a spouse I know how hard it is to leave when your hunny is not feeling well, even though I know it is good for me. Your mum will come around and take the opportunities for a break. Sometimes our needs change though and rather than needing a break, we need to be close and comforting for ourselves and our loved one. Hang in there! My thoughts are with you and I wish there was more I could do to help make it easier.

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