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Radiation Pneumonitis


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Mom's back in the hospital (again). She was only out for about a week. Now the dx is radiation pneumonitis. I've read up on it on the trusty ol' Internet--have any of you experienced it?

I'm hoping the recovery time won't be so dreadful. She is so tired of being so weak.

Thanks for any input you have!

:) Kelly

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RP can knock us on our can. :roll: BIG TIME! It causes SOB and we become very tired. It's very hard to walk and breath at the same time when you have that. I was on prednisone when I had it many moons ago. It's also called radiation pneumonia. Once the meds take hold, mom should start to feel better real soon. It depends on how bad her's is. Mine wasn't to far gone, but it did take about 8 weeks for it to really go away 100%. Although I did start to breath a little better within a weeks time and the tiredness started to ease up as well.

Good luck to mom.

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Hey Kelly!!

Like Connie..I took steroids to help with the problem. It was the worst I felt during treatment. Depending on how bad it is will determine how long to be on steroids.

God Bless!!

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I had a long bout w/RP--very fatigued and SOB--but started feeling significantly better within a few days of starting the IV steroids. Mine was diagnosed rather late and was pretty severe, so it took a long time to resolve completely (and a slow taper off the prednisone). I hope your Mom feels better soon.

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I had it too, steroids helped but gave me a whole new set of problems so I didn't take them for long. I got through it without anything else and it gradually cleared up.

Hoping Mom gets some quick relief, it's a horrible feeling.


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Kelly, I just gettin over my radiation pneumonitis. Started after 3 month after my radiation. At the bgining was like a tennis match & I was the ball. they were delibereiting if it was radiation Pneumonitis or pneumonia. I was really short of breath. First they start with a really slow dose of steroids & nothing happend. My radiation oncologist put me in a high dose & in a week I was much better.

Hope your mom get better soon. Is not fun to have it but is curable.

Buest of luck, hugs & prayers


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My mom had it. It was weird b/c for her it happened later than normal. It got better after a month but still had a few issues from it after. Nothing too serious though, just a little extra SOB when walking far like through a mall.

I hope your mom has a speedy recovery!

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My mom started to experience an increase in SOB about 2 months after radiation finished....they were mixed about whether it was pneumonitis or pneumonia or something else....but after a little while they decided it was pneumonitis. She was put on prednisone and has been on it for about 9 months...every time they tried to decreaase the dose of the steroid, her symptoms worsened...so they've kept her on it and her respirologist said it could take 1-2 years to decrease her off of it.

Hope this helps and that she's feeling better soon!

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