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Every 15 minutes, a beautiful mothers day commercial, particularly the JC PENNEYS one that shows a mom watching her daughter grow, then culminates in the grandmother looking at the next two generations, with a caption that says 'you've come full circle'...rips my heart to shreds. Why do these hurt so much? It is just a commercial...

I am takng a break from TV until next monday, maybe the paper too.

I know someday it will be about me and my kids, and I will come full circle, but at 36 I am not ready.

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Oh, I can feel your pain!!

Everywhere you look you see Mothers day being advertised.

I went to Walmart and accidentally walked down the Mothers Day card aisle, didn't make it out without crying.

I am really dreading Sunday. I want to fast forward to Monday too. They say it will get easier for us Kim....one day at a time I guess.

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http://www.chennaionline.com/specials/s ... origin.asp

Jumping across the ocean, the first observation of a Mother's Day in the United States took place in 1872 when Julia Ward Howe, social reformer and poet who penned the words to the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," suggested a day to honor mothers. This day, which she felt should be dedicated to peace, was celebrated by gatherings that she organized and held in Boston. This tradition spread, and was later organized in other areas of the country as well.

In 1907, Anna Jarvis took Howe's idea a step further and began to campaign for a nationally recognized Mother's Day. In the late nineteenth century, Jarvis's own mother had tried to establish "Mother's Friendship Days" as a way to heal the scars of the Civil War. Persuading her mother's church in Grafton, to celebrate Mother's Day on the anniversary of Jarvis's mother's death - the second Sunday in May - our Mother's Day holiday as it is now celebrated was born. Jarvis also began the tradition of wearing a carnation in honor or memory of our mothers - a coloured carnation if your mother is still living, a white one if she is deceased.

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I agree. I just cant stand anymore mothers day hype. I mean, I know Im a mother and I know that this year for the first time ever i dont have my mother so lets just fast forward to monday and be done with it. I volunteered to work on sunday and told my husband to not even mention it . I hope that it passes quickly for you all.

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I'm so sorry for all of you, its very sad looking at all of you with your dear sweet moms, and theres no way to sugar coat your pain..My heart goes out to you all.. I have seen that commercial over and over again but for the first time last night(and after reading this post) I saw it form a different perspective, and it brought tears to my eyes :(

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I hate this holiday, always have for some reason. My mom is not a fan either. My heart just breaks for all of you grieving.

My personal opinion (don't attack me, it is just my opinion ;)) is that there doesn't need to be a holiday to celebrate b/c we should be appreciative all the time. I personally want to have a National Depression/Anxiety Day where we can all reflect on how short and precious life is and how beer trucks can run you over anytime (like it did to my mom's dad when she was 12), or how cancer or heart disease, etc can be lurking.

Hang in there guys. The week is almost over. Then there is just Father's Day to muddle through. Then there is a holiday reprieve for a few months.

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My personal opinion (don't attack me, it is just my opinion ;)) is that there doesn't need to be a holiday to celebrate b/c we should be appreciative all the time. I personally want to have a National Depression/Anxiety Day where we can all reflect on how short and precious life is and how beer trucks can run you over anytime (like it did to my mom's dad when she was 12), or how cancer or heart disease, etc can be lurking.


Yep, I'm with you Andrea!! :wink: I lost my dad when I was 17 and my mom when I was 36. It hurts like hell no matter what age we are. I spend part of my Mother's Day & Father's Day at cemetaries. :cry:

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