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Wow, I simply can't shake it today. I feel so lonely. This royally sucks not being with my family today. I have my kids and I should not be taking them for granted, but on days like this, I am so used to being with my family, it is lonely-a BIG reality slap right across the face today. She's gone, their gone, I am lonely.

I could have taken the kids swimming at a friend's house, but John assured me we'd have a fun day, just us. Well, by the time he works 12 hours and then comes home only to deal with his mom (who is so pitful and negative, bluck), he is spent. So, that leaves me with the kids (just like every other day of the week).

I hate this. It is hitting me hard today that this is the new normal for the rest of my life and I can't stand it. Maybe I need a hobby, but I am the kind of person who needs people around me, have always had it, but not any more.

Just had to vent. It didn't help much though.

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You know something is not right when I come back and read "their gone"-my biggest pet peeve ever.

I know Val. That sure would be nice. I have thought several times about leaving like Don has decided, but if I did, who would I have to come and talk to about this kind of stuff? John is oblivious and I feel like my friends have listened to me gripe enough. I have one friend who is so very supportive and I called her tonight. I just hate to rain on her parade ALL THE TIME. I have to share "the love" I guess.

I have been thinking about my mom and how she was truly the glue that held my family together, her brothers and sister and my cousins. I'll have to be the glue, but I sometimes just don't have it in me. Today was definitely one of those days.

Thanks for being here to listen. My grief goes way deeper than I have recognized so far in my motherless journey. MISS YA MOM

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I know those feelings of loniliness...even when surrounded by those you love.

And I know how the absence of Mom amplifies all the things that bother you...because I'm sure she had a way of making things better. I know mine did.

I'm sorry it was a rough day.

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You've been pretty quiet around here lately. I, too, wish that we all lived closer so we could lean on each other. It sucks that there are so many of us girls here who have lost our moms, and that we can only give virtual hugs. No one around me can really understand, because they all still have their moms. When my best friend complains about hers, all I can think is, "you just don't know how lucky you are..."

My life has changes SO drastically in the fifteen + months that my mom has been gone, it just doesn't seem right that she isn't here with me to share the anxiety/pain/joy/milestones. I'm still trying to figure out how to live my life without her, and not succeeding very well, if I may say so.

Please don't leave, Lori. I know you "get it," and I would hope that you need us as much as we need you because of that. I'm sorry it was a bad day. It's really hard to take care of other people on days like this when you can barely keep it together yourself, isn't it??

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Somehow we need to get together...dump the kids on my hubs for a lil while (*evil grin*) and just go out where there are TONS of people and lots of noise, huh? Somehow it's soothing to me, too, to have people around me. I prefer it be at least partially my family...but at this point it doesn't even matter!!

Hugs you tight...I'm sorry it's been a rough day...it was here, too. Tomorrow's better :roll: at least, I hope it is!

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I have my kids and I should not be taking them for granted,
John is oblivious and I feel like my friends have listened to me gripe enough. I have one friend who is so very supportive and I called her tonight. I just hate to rain on her parade ALL THE TIME
she was truly the glue that held my family together,

Are you living in my heart or my head or both?

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Today was busy with school and that's a good thing. I try to stay busy I swear I do.

I started a speech class today and we were brainstorming topics that we were very knowledgeable about or passionate about. My list was all medical related, you know, patient advocacy, the sandwich generation, the care received in nursing homes. I almost starting crying when I reviewed the list and thought how sad my life has been. Talk about a major pity party for myself this week. No one is invited, but you can pop by if you wish. Urgh...

I did decide this morning that I was going to try to make lemonade today, but it has been hard. One thing I did do was talk to my brother about how alone I felt yesterday and he is going to start meeting me for lunch twice a week.

The other bright side, I know my mama is so proud of me for being back in school. I keep envisioning her smiling proudly as I receive my diploma. It was one of her lifelong wishes gets me up and out the door some days.

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What's important, Lori, is that you keep going. Even if you feel like poo...even if you don't want to, you keep going. I think that is all we can ask for some days. I think it is more than others can ask of us other days.

Your mom is already proud of you. Graduation will be the double-fudge frosting on the cake!

:) Kelly

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