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Finally some good news


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Dad saw the surgeon yesterday. The PET scan showed the Cancer is only in the left lung. That is the best news we have heard so far. He is having his lower lobe removed on the 28th of this month. The Surgeon said as long as the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes - he is done - no chemo or radiation will be needed.

When my parents were with the nurse setting up the surgery - I walked my butt right into the dr's office and asked him point blank why it took 8 months to find this....his response "because your Dad has alot of miles on his tires" guess that summed it up.....

All in all - I can't complain - the results and treatment are much better than I could have ever hoped.

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That is good news!!!

I too had my lobe removed and was stage 1A---with no chemo or radiation

I am hoping he has an easy recovery from the surgery

please keep us posted!

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Finally............good news, Dina. Glad to hear it. I'm sending my very best vibes for a successful surgery. Just want to mention......you may want to check another opinion on the no chemo thing. Maybe do a bit of research before making your final decison.


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That is wonderful news. I would still ask for more information about the adjuvant chemo. It is best to know all of your options, especially after such good, good news.

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