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Chapter 49 - Duke of Earl Update


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Earl had his 2nd carbo/taxol infusion yesterday. Since he has had a port installed, chemo and blood tests are MUCH EASIER.

Also, while the onc did not say, you are cured - go forth and multiple, I felt he was somewhat optimistic. He said he thought Earl looked healthy, he is eating and gaining weight. Earl's liver does not seem to be swollen. He also said that if this chemo does not or stops working, he'll put Earl on Iressa. And if that does not or stops working, he has other tools in his arsenal. Earl is scheduled for 12/1 for his 3rd chemo but has to have a CT scan on 11/28 to make sure the chemo is doing some good.

The biggest problem is that he is tired and weak. But he did stay awake in his recliner until after 1:00 am to watch the Eagles beat the Packers, then watch the news and then the follow up football show.

Ry, I asked him about some new drug coming in Jan. He gave the name but I don't remember, think it started with an O. He did say it has many side effects. Will post more if I hear more.

Hope all of us are doing well. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


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Praying for success for you guys. My Onoc told me the same thing about the Irissa and the arsonal. GIve you a lot of hope!!!!!

God bless you guys and good luck. Please keep us in touch with you progress in fight this. Be looking for you in the good news form soon.

Ginny one question. I get 1 treatment a week (fridays) for three weeks and one week off. The first one is Carbo/taxel the other two is just taxol.

is the duke get Carbo/taxol every time?

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Hey Ginny,

Great post, should be in GOOD NEWS!!; :):):) So very happy that the Duke is not only marching on but going forth and multiplying??? :shock::shock::shock:, guess I better reread it ??;

again so very happy for you two

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC-stage IIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

" absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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Earl gets the carbo/taxol combo once every 3 weeks - nothing in between.

This is a long process.We get to Fox Chase at 7:15 and do not get out until almost 4 pm. But if this means that Earl can watch another Eagles game and we can have a 'date' night with dinner out, the time is well spent.

Also, Ray, are you going to the Wellness Community lecture on the 22nd.

I'm going and so is Heather.


The dr. mentioned clinical trials (none in particular) if and when the chemo and the Iressa stop working.

Prayers for us all.


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