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Hair loss.


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every one is different My Wife did not lose her hair to chemo until she got on Tarcevaand that was her fourth treatment!!

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Gail -

I lost mine 11 days after my first chemo of Carbo/Taxol/Avastin. They tell you 10 - 14 days so I was right on schedule. :cry:

It got real limp and I knew it was going - altho I clipped mine - I wanted to have control over SOMETHING in my life at that time - the rest that came out was out and gone in 2 days!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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I had carbo and taxol and exactly 14 days after the first treatment it started coming out in handfuls. For a couple days before that, I was finding some hair in the comb.

Good luck. The good news is that many people find that when it does come back, its curly for a while.


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Thanks for your replies everyone. I suppose hair loss is the least of Hank's problems at the moment. I just thought that it would be nice for his self image if he were not to lose it. You know, just another reminder when you look in the mirror that you have cancer.

But, I guess he and I will just have to get used to it.

It's only hair I guess.

Thanks, Gail

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Same as the above for my husband. He found the tickling hairs falling around his neck/shoulders annoying, so we buzzed it before it all fell out. Surprise! He was pretty attractive with the bald look! So many men have their heads buzzed that it's not so different anymore.

The eyebrows/eyelashes were another thing altogether. It did take a lot of chemo for him to lose those though. His eyelashes came back very short and he never did get eyebrows again, but wouldn't let me "play" with drawing them on! :lol:


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Mine started coming out in clumps (clogging the shower drain) 12 days after the first Taxol infusion. Since our son was here I had him give me a close buzz cut over the weekend, and the rest of the stubble came out over the next few days.

I was happy to see that my bald head was fairly well shaped with no big lumps anywhere, and I figured if Howie Mandel can look good bald, so can I. The next time I saw his show I was puzzled as to why he looked better than I did, but then I realized -- Howie has eyebrows! :) Aloha,


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My husband lost his at nearly 2 weeks into Carbo/Taxol. He was stressed over the idea of losing his hair and, to is surprise, he ended up loving his head bald. You might want to make sure if he doesn't have a ball cap on hand, that you buy him a couple. It will help him when he is trying to adjust. My husband wore his a couple times when he went out until he became comfortable with his baldness.


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Thanks for your replies everyone. Well, we'll see what happens. Like I said, it would be nice if Hank does'nt have to deal with it, but it is the least of our problems. Tonight he said that as soon as it starts coming out, he's just going to shave it off. I think that's for the best. Take control of it, and get it over with.


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I had long curly hair..and it was all gone before 2nd chemo. It's not so much the hair loss that bugged me...but the very visible outward sign that all is not well. And I am still quite bald..and it is not coming back in the same color. Should only be a number of months though now, pretty short period in the grand scheme of things, before I can go out without some cap or other on my head and can begin to start spending money on my hair again!

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