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Hey Everyone I'm Jackie

I am here because within the last 5 years I have lost both of my grandparents to lung cancer, one smoked, one did not. I am a registered nurse in Philadelphia and came in contact with the Lungevity Foundation when I started a lung cancer walk last year in the Philadelphia area.

I am here to meet all of you, be a support system, and a friend. I am having a walk again this year in Bucks County, Pa on November 8th if anyone is interested and from the area.

I miss my grandparents so much and being a nurseI thought I would be able to "fix" it, I realized when it came to them, I had to be a grandchild and not a nurse.

It's so frustrating reading all the sterotypes people get who have lung cancer....No one deserves it no matter what you have done in your life.

Hope to hear fom all of you soon!

Jackie :oops:

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Hi Jackie. Welcome. People with Cancer and their loved ones really need support. We also really need research in lung cancer. Many who get it are young and never ever smoked. We are so glad you are an advocate and found us.

Besides being a survivor, I also am an RN.


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