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We have a referral for Hospice


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We went to the doctor to get results from the pleural effusion, and it showed malignancy and therfore progression. Dad seemed relieved to not have to go for more treatments and did not want to discuss other treatment options. He wants to live peacefully for the time he has left. He said that he had been worried that the fluid would be negative for cancer and that he wouldn't have a reason to stop treatment. He feels so strongly about it, so it is hard to not support his decision. He told the doctor that he felt that most everything was in order and he was ready. The doctor seemed to feel that we should go ahead and get hospice set up now even if he doesn't need many of their services yet. He said that waiting too long and then calling them to try and stabilize medications at the last minute can be like having let the horse out of the barn and trying to catch it. So, now we are waiting for them to call to set up a meeting.

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It is with sadness that I read this news about your Dad, but it seems that he is at peace with this decision. As hard as it may be for the family to adjust to the idea, it is your Dad's decision. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May you have many many more good days ahead to share with your Dad.



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My heart aches for you and your family at this time but it smiles knowing that your dad is at peace with his decision.

I will keep you all in my prayers in hopes that he had many, many good days left to share with you.


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I just wanted to say thanks for the support. I am sitting here writing down all my questions for our appointment with Hospice in the morning. I had to put off the appointment over the weekend to get the rest of dad's stuff moved out of his apartment.

We had the doctor refer us to the two largest Hospices to start with and I was not impressed with the other one just by the unfriendliness of the woman who called. I hate to prejudge the whole place like that, but this seems to be one of the most importantt decisions we could ever make. Anyway, thanks again.

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I am so terribly sorry. I will keep your dad and your family in my prayers.

As the others have said, it is good that this is his wish. It would be so much worse if he wanted to continue and the docs wouldn't let him. Hopefully, full hospice services will not be needed for a long time.

Hugs - Patti B.

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I'm sorry the docs weren't able to do more, but also thoroughly understand your father's feelings and respect you for allowing him to make these decisions without interference or conflict (all too often, family members fight decisions such as these due to thinking more of themselves than the patient).


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