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Consultation Appointment for RFA


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Hello Everyone,

Just updating on today. We had seen the radiologist oncologist for Bill's shoulder (very painful now) last week. He said that the radiation would be prohibitive due to the area having been radiated prior. Mainly, one area had been twice - considering an overlap. Too much and paralysis could be a result.

He suggested either radiofrequency ablation, or quadramet to resolve the pain.

Today, depending on what the doctor assesses from the CT scans taken recently, we will know better.

The quadramet is only for pain and is an IV injection into the area in question. It is used for bone pain. The growth has permeated some bone.

What I would very much love to have are your prayers. Whatever spiritual bent, all would be very much appreciated.

I ask that the outcome will give Bill some comfort. He deserves to be able to not be so worn down by pain. This is a guy who is used to "getting things done." :)


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Ah Barb, I am sorry for Bill's pain and the upheaval once again. You guys so desserve a break. I know that once again you are circling your wagons getting ready for whatever is to come your way. Please know that my wagon is right there behind yours. I sure wish I could grab my shotgun and just shoot the dickens out of the pain/discomfort so you could just be done with it.

Of course my wagon is a virtual one ~ but the prayers are certainly for real. Also so many positive vibes and hugs are on their way to NJ. Wish I were there in person to prop you up.


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Once again, hello to all,

Bud, Patti, Kasey, Sue and Connie, you guys are the greatest!

Yes, Kasey, doing the circle wagon bit again. :)

Wouldn't you think by now we would have that scenario down to a science. :lol:

Spoke with the new radiologist this afternoon, and he said that he was concerned with doing more harm than good. The thing is that the tumor is wrapped around nerves in the scapula area on the right side.

Bottom line is that he would do it, but would rather we look for another even less invasive route to solving the pain problem. He said that there would be no guarantee with rfa that the pain would be resolved. It would be iffy.

He gave us the name of an orthopedic specialist from Columbia Presbyterian in New York. He has an office in New Jersey.

Am also looking for information on the quadramet treatment. It might do the trick for Bill, and would appreciate anyone here who knows about that.

The prayers are working because we are still in the researching arena. That is a good thing.

Love you all,


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Barb--My mom had a quadramet treatment a litle over a year ago to help with severe pain in her back and hips from bone mets. It helped her a lot. She has had no issue with pain from bone since Julty of 08. The FDA only allows then to label it as pain relief, but Mom's radiologist said it really treats the mets. So far so good for her. It was an easy infusion (as they go). They can do it more than once, although mom hasn't needed another one so far.

I didn't find a lot of discussion about quadramet when mom was having the treatment last year. But it helped her a lot. I hope they can find something that will reduce Bill's pain.


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God bless you. Yes, this might be very helpful for Bill. His met in the shoulder has become entertwined with his nerves, and into the bone of the scapula.

When our original (good doctor who took care of radiating Bill's shoulder three years ago, and also his neck) mentioned the possibility of the quadramet treatment.

I asked him more about it. He told me that he knew it could be used as a viable option, but didn't say much more than that.

Bill will be seeing his chemotherapy oncologist next week, October 13. Maybe, Susan, Bill will be able to have a resolution (as your Mom did). We can only hope.

Thank you, Susan, so very much for your generous attention to the posting. My heart feels a bit lighter today.

Even if it is not for Bill, I want to say that this board, and its members are awesome. :D

You and your special intentions are remembered by me in my daily prayers - always.


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Barbara, so sorry I missed this thread and am coming in so late. I am very happy Susan was able to offer a viable treatment to try--and it worked for her Mom. Please keep us posted. I am sending tons of healing thoughts Bill's way in hope that there is an end to his pain soon.t

Judy in Key Wes

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This is to update on the possible rfa for Bill's shoulder.

First, let me thank Randy for his offer of help in research. My brain must be on overload and I missed responding to you, Randy. Your suggestion about Dr. West was excellent.

However, with all the visits to and from doctors this past week and the week prior, we wound up with the option of going back to the rfa doctor and that procedure may be in the offing for Bill.

We spoke of quadramet, Susan, and he said that Bill's platelets seemed to have gone back to normal.

He wondered whether the quadramet might sink them a bit, but also and more importantly, that the tumor growing out from the bone in the shoulder is large when considering quadramet. Bill's tumor on the scapula is 2 inches.

He told us that he would be speaking to the radiologist about the radiofrequency ablation.

The radiologist, when we spoke with him was concerned not to take anything away from the use of Bill's arm. In the interim, Bill's use of that arm has necessitated increasingly more assistance when showering, dressing, and mobility in general. The cancer has invaded the nerves in that area.

So, today I will call the radiologist who does the rfa, and see if we can opt for that as a "go."

Just wanted to update everyone. I know how important pieces of information can help. Being here helped me to know what has been used, what could be successful, and finally grab onto your support while doing the footwork.

In closing, the oncologist did offer a hospice on a needs basis for us. I said OK to that. He said that it might be good for Bill's physical therapy for the shoulder and in other ways.

(Know that we are taking this step-by-step and not giving up.) We are trying to get Bill's pain bearable.

Thanks to all of you,


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Thank you so much for your support and particularly, the prayers. You know how I feel about them.

Just the knowing that in the ethers there are people responding, caring, and praying gives me courage to get through.

As I was typing that last paragraph, a woman from the hospice called me. She asked what Bill's most important issue might be. I answered that it was the pain. She is sending a nurse over this afternoon to see what they can do about that.

Things are moving in a new direction, but hopefully, Katie, I will be up to it all. I never realized at the start of all of this that I might become jelly. My resolve is to be strong, and if I can believe that it may turn out to be so.

For the most part, I am strong like bull, but inbetween, there are those moments. :?


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Barbara, when I was reading your recent update on Bill I could just feel you in efficiency mode. Girl I don't know how you stay so strong and I am sure there are "moments" you refer to. Hopefully more immediate pain relief is on the way with hospice and more long term relief with sucessful rfa. I am with the two of you "praying" in my way.

Judy in Key West

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