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Concerts For The Cure!


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Well evetyone I think I told you that I'm a musician. Iwas trained and went to music school , however I have terrib stage friight that makes it so hard to play!! However I am pledging here to all of you to have a concert on my "Wind" instrument ... which Will take me four months to prepare!! and hopefully, it will be a success! Please pray for me, that God will provide me the strength to be a HAM!!.....and steady fingers....in A pril...

All proceeds will go to LCSC!

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When you give your concert, just look out to the audience and picture them all nude and that will end your stage fright.

Seriously,one of my jobs when i worked was to give speeches on retirement to various business and I can remember the first one I gave I thought I would just forget everything but I didn't. After that it was a breeze.

As long as you know your part you will be great!

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Norme and Laurie,

You two just made my morning! I was supposed to be a vocalist many years ago, and I was given the same advice Norme just gave to you, Laurie....The problem was that I really could imagine all those folks naked (not really naked. In my mind they were all wearing plaid boxers and lycra girdles)...and all I could do was laugh. Very hard to sing when you are laughing so hard you have tears in your eyes and you're doubled over. So ended my budding career as a singer. :D

If the stage hands do the lighting just right you won't even be able to see out beyond the end of the stage. You'll be blinded by the lights!

Seriously.....let me know the details of your upcoming concert. I'd like to hear you play your flute, clarinet, oboe, kazoo, what-have-you :) ?

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Call Dr Phil, I just saw a women on his show, trained to play the grand piano but couldn't do it on stage because of stage freight (?SP) She played the piano on his stage on NATIONAL TV. Seriously, perhaps just thinking of your goal, rather than your fear. Wishing you the best! Donna G

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Laurie, I am also a trained musician and must admit you have a wonderful idea. I was a proffessional Trumpet player for 13 years traveling up and down the east coast in a variety of bands such as Top 40, Blues, Jazz, traveling shows, Ringling Bros. Circus, Brass Ensembles Etc. I was going to try and play the X-mas cantata at my church this x-mas but just could not get it together in time. Imagine, a trumpet player with lung cancer, now that really sucks!! Anyway your stage fright is all in your head.....I know, easy for me to say. I used to get scared and beat myself up over every little thing that did not come out the end of the bell just exactly the way I wanted it to. The thing that really helped me was when I just let go and said to myself, I am good and if the people out there don't agree then they can go spit (Of course I used stronger terms than that!!!) If you are trained and confident in your abilities as a musician then trust in yourself. Also just remember 99.9 out of 100 people listening are not going to know if you make a mistake and also they would not be there unless they wanted to hear you. As for the nude thing I used that to but sometimes you can get a little distracted and loose your place, ha,ha. No seriously, just concentrate on your music and the enjoyment you get out of playing. I am going to give serious thought to seeing if I can do the same. Good luck to you. My prayers will be with you.

David C

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Well thanks for the support you guys! Well I do have a wicked sense of humor and can't do 2 this at once very well !!! LOL!! Picting people naked would surely hit a out of tune note!

I'm planning on playing a jazz suite for flute/piano by Claude Bolling and Jean Pierre Rampal....

Dave I'm from the East... I went to Berklee College of Music... Boston MA....I play Sax/flute.... It would be great to have concerts everywheeere! Well even if I am not the best it is for a good cause and I will bake sweets and maybe give wine to the atendees so it will sound better!! LOL!!!


PS.. If there are any teachers out there reading this please know that this is what happens to a person when they are given the " Most Potential " award too many times!!! LOL!! HaHaHa!!

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Good for you! I love what you are doing for the LC cause. If evryone would use their talent, what ever that may be, we accomplish great things. We create our own obsticles and barriers by our fears. I suggest you simply act "as if", act as if you are fearless and love being in the spotlight. When you keep feeding your mind negative self-talk, you buy into those thoughts....Well, same holds true for postive thoughts, eventually you will begin to believe them. Instead of telling yourself "I am scared."..say to yourself "I a excited." If you change the belief about the thought, then the consequence or end result will be different. Break a Leg!!!


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Laurie, you studied in Boston!!!!!!!!!! My home town. Growing up I played the cello , I never was great but played in the Boston Junior Symphony Orchestra and the Archdiocese Junior Orchestra but I am the "baby" of the family and sort of a ham. Wishing you the best Donna G

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Yeah, I was going to go to Berkley but their Jazz program was not up to snuff. JUST KIDDING!!! That's great. I am familiar with Claude Bolling although it has been a while since I listened to the suite for Flute and Piano. Good luck in the practice room. You are doing it for a great cause. The wine is a great idea but it would eat into the profits........unless you could get it donated.

David C

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Great idea, good luck ... and, since we live in the same part of the country, be sure to let me know the when and where. I'll be there!

I, too, WAS a musician. A singer/songwriter. I trained under Dr. Mazlo at Eastern Washington State College back in 1970. We were one of three choirs picked to travel behind the iron curtain that summer, ending up in a world choir workshop in Vienna. But did I go along? Of course not! I got good and drunk and joined the Navy instead! :) (falls under the heading of "What was *I* thinking! :))

The "was" in the previous paragraph is due to the fact my voice went south on me about 5 years ago. I suspect the cancer had something to do with it, though at the time I just thought I was getting older.

Anyway, good luck Laurie!


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Great Idea David! Any other musicians out there??

Maybe when I get areal computer I can find Debaroo's Lung Cancer wRap!! I remember a post "last night I was channel ing Queen Latifah!"....I will work on it.... hmmmmm.....

What could we call the CD.... ???I could ask my friend for help he has 3 CD's out!



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My very close friend/matron of honor to be Marla Reid is a musician. She just sang the national anthem at the Los Angeles Kings hockey game this past Saturday night. She has one CD out and another on the way. Marla said she would be happy to do whatever she can to help us battle this beastly disease :)

Her website is www.marlareid.com if you want to check her out.

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Way cool!

We will be really good working as a team! I'm going to ask Dean tonight about the CD too he will help I think. He is connected too.! We could get a song "donated" and put them together... Deans gotta good producer and we actually have a really good track of Richard Marx "Right here waiting for you!" I also know a rap artist to do Debraoooo's LC Rap....Can anyone find it??? It's here somewhere! I just gotta work it out.... I need to get a c-puter... tapping on my cell/not really easy to do spelling errors all over! Gotta hit send before I getta call...

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Well now,

I work for a really mega hugie corporate conglomerate musical instrument manufacturer, that happens to give a hoot about these things (Hey, they still keep me around)

They make popular Guitars and Basses. The name starts with an "F".

Please send me details of what you would like to do and I *may* be able to get our A&R depts to do some work on it.

I myself play a mean mixing board :wink:

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