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Mom's Finished Brain Radiation, Heading Back To Work!


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Hello Everyone!

I'm happy :lol: to report that my Mom is finishing her PCI Brain Radiation tomorrow! :lol::lol::lol: She completed 18 treatments with minimal side effects and is looking forward to going in to work on Monday April 21st for a half day!! My Mom is the outreach coordinator and office manager of the Salvation Army and is a wonderful person. She was diagnosed with SCLC in October of 2002 and has been out of work on dissablility since her DX of SCLC with a collapsed lung. I'm so happy that she will be returning to her work that she enjoys and will continue to go to the gym 2x a week to do exercise with her cancer group. I thank you all for your continued prayers for her and all the support that you have given to me! Her three month scan is May 7th and I pray that I will be able to post here again. :lol::lol:

Blessings to all of you my friends. :D

With Love and appreciation,


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Guest hopeful2

Thanks for posting. I start PCI Monday and am looking forward to heading back to work the 1st of May. I have been in and out of my office a few days, but just not focused enough yet! My counts would always drop and that makes me insane. Or maybe I should say "more insane!"

I am glad to know she made through PCI with only a few side effects. I was dx. in Nov. so I am right behind her, so to speak.

Congratulations to you and give your mom a big hug for all of us.

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Thanks Don, Judy and Hopeful2,

Don- Give Lucie a hug for me! :wink:

Judy- I don't plan on going anywhere just want to post in the "Good News" forum on May 7th after the CT Scan! :D

Hopeful2- I wish you all the best with your PCI. I bet you will be back to work soon! It takes a special person to be a nurse, I'm sure that you are missed. My Mom is looking for to getting the extra money of two incomes again.

Blessings to you all.


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Dear Laurie,

Oh my friend, I am SOOO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU, and of course I am happy for your mom!!! You have been such a wonderful wonderful daughter and I just know your mom has to be so proud to have you by her side!! I just can't tell you how happy I am to hear this wonderful, outstanding news on your mom!! :D:D:D:D

I will continue to keep you and mom in my prayres, and I will send you both positive vibes for May 7th check up time!!

God bless her for going back to work!! She really is REMARKABLE!!!! Not to mention a SURVIVOR!!!!

Warm and Gentle Hugs to you BOTH,

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YAAAAAAAAY Lauries Mom!!! That is SO GREAT. It will probably feel good to return to a more normal life. Prayers being sent for the 7th, and for continued success in survivorship!!! A toast, "to Lauries Mom-on the excellent job she did in raising a teriffic daughter, and returning to work to do an excellent job (clink) CHEERS :wink: ! Keep us posted, Laurie. Take care, Deb

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Laurie....How good it must feel for your mom to get her life back to normal or should I say a little more normal than it has been for her and her family...I'll be thinking of her on the 7th(its my birthday so I really will remember)and hoping for great results.....Happy Easter...cathy

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Laurie -

Best of luck to your mom on her first day at work tomorrow!

As much as we all spend half our lives wishing we DIDN'T have to work, it really does define WHO we are and bring some "normalcy" to our lives.

I'm SO happy she got thru the PCI with no problems - and I'm hoping the same for you Hopeful!


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Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for responding and sending your messages of support and encouragement. :D I spoke to my Mom and she had a good day! She worked for four and a half hours. She said she wasn't tired but didn't feel all that productive because she talked a lot with people who she hadn't seen for awhile. She said that it felt really good to get her mind off from things and to be back to work. :D She will work half days for a while and will gradually work her way back to full time. I pray that things continue to go well and she remains healthy. :D

Thank you again,


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