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Happy Birthday to me


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Hi Becky Happy Birthday and many many more. I too celebratedmy 67th birthday on Jan. 4th and i am still celebrating. Was diognosed with lung cancer july 2nd -o2 and was told i had about a year. I guess they were fooled i am still here and celebrating. Hope you do the same. There should be a birth week not just a birthday. Have a good one. Carlton

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I guess I am really late, but happy belated birthday! I was wondering if you had heard anything from the RFA Dr. Nielson in San Antonio. My sister is looking into that one also (as well as rfa in Jackson MS and GulfShores AL).

You had responded to my rfa email, and I told you that my sister lives in the Conroe TX area (rather close to where you live) and that she also is a patient at MD Anderson. They are kind, caring, and knowledgable, but beware of its size! Because it is so large, sometimes you can feel like a "number" (and you are, literally, a patient #). Be persistent and make yourself known...... a couple of the front people in the thoracic dept know us (especially my mother)! The wrath of moms, beware.

Anyway, best of luck. I think you'll like MDA (considering...). Here's to many more birthdays! Hope the cake was good.....


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