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Fay A.

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Hello T-Bone and Books and welcome. I'm having trouble keeping up with all of our new members. I'm having trouble keeping up with anything moving faster than a tortoise.

My hair has begun to grow back...black and white and fuzzy and looks like mold. But no eyebrows yet... Does anyone know how long it takes for eyebrows and lashes to come back in? Last night I had a dream that my eyebrows grew back in looking like the ones on the guy who sells things on television. You know who I mean (can't remember his name), the one who has eyebrows so long they look like he has to comb them? Man, was that a strange dream. There I was, looking in a mirror, hair about 1/2 inch long and looking like white and black mold, combing my eyebrows. :shock:

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Your dream made me laugh, I was thinking of those

proud men that part their hair near the ear and comb what little

they have on their bald head, thinking they cover all the baldness.

Perhaps you could comb your eyebrows over your head !!!

I shave my head (1/4 long) all the time, BY CHOICE.


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Hello Fay A,

My husbands eyebrows began to come back about two weeks after he started getting snowy white "peach fuzz" on his "pate". Now they are beginning to sprout like that fellow in your dream!

He was so funny when his hair first started coming in. He was so proud of it and made a great big thing about it, making sure I knew that he was ,"WASHING HIS HAIR"every morning! His hair has gone a little darker now and looks good. I can't resist stroking his head as soft as soft as a kittens. He pretends to be embarrassed but I think he likes the attention :lol:

Do you know if you can lose your hair when you go on Iressa, I hope not?

Positive thoughts for good results with your treatment coming your way,


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When I was on Iressa most of my white hair fell out, and came back in dark. No gray hairs while on Iressa. I don't know if it worked out that way for anyone else, but it certainly worked out that way for me. Once I stopped taking it I looked pretty strange for a while. The white hair started coming back in, and for a while I had this 1 to 2 inch long white hair and the black hair was long. I looked like I had a halo when back lit. And we all know THAT couldn't be right, right? :)

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The only "chemo agent" I took was Iressa - and I lost all my blonde hair. My hair dresser told me I had classic male-pattern balding as it was my temples and the crown of my head with some EXTREME thinning on top of my head. The hair started falling out the end of month two and continued for two weeks. I quit the Iressa in July and finally noticed hair growth in December.

According to the hair dresser, many things can cause hair loss...hormonal changes, surgery, being "under" anesthesia, etc. He says it usually happens within three to six months of the trauma and cycles back into the "normal growth pattern". Kinda like finger and toe nails - mine are still kinda angular but starting to soften back to "normal" again...


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I was watching a Whoopie Goldberg movie last night and thought of you. :) Do you realize she's made a whole carreer out of having no eyebrows?! Maybe this is just prepairing you for your next big carreer move! :)

Seriously, here's hoping you, and anyone else waiting for the effects of treatment to wear off, get your hair (and eyebrows) back quickly and that it looks better than it ever did. Self image IS important, no matter what the situation might be.


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Fay, a good friend of Buddy's and mine has eyebrows so long one wants to pincurl them. Give me your address and I will cut his and send you some or give the big black pencil a try....

If you get eyebrows, are you then going to turn around........just a thought.

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