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Hi all my fellow survivors I've finished radiotherepy on a lymph node and it was a 5 day treatment which all I can say is thank God it was only 5 because I dont know how I wouldve coped with more because my throat is very painful to swallow and I have a dry cough and fatigue is noticeable whereas when i was just getting opdivo i felt like there was nothing wrong with me and I'd had radiotherapy 7 yrs ago on my leg for 5 weeks for a sarcoma cancer and felt no side effects then except a sunburnt like leg and the set up for radiotherapy on the side of my neck was very uncomfortable with a mesh screen type thing moulded to my face and attached both sides to the bed and it's so tight that i couldnt move my eyes and my mouth was just parted but if a trickle went down my throat i wouldnt be able to turn and cough and that's what caused anxiety.....one more thing i was told today that i could do opdivo monthly instead of fortnightly but my choice so just wondering if any of you guys have gone onto monthly ?

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Great news on completing radiation. I think your throat discomfort should leave soon. Just think of the discomfort to the cancer cells caused by the radiation frying them!

I wouldn't know the optimal Opdivo treatment interval.

Stay the course.


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Hi Mally,

These days all roads lead to Facebook. You might search for an Optivo group.  Otherwise there’s a group here in the US GO2Foundation.com or the Lungevity Helpline that might lend some insight. They might not be familiar with the protocols down under however it’s a least a reference point. You might also Google the NCCN Guidelines  

Keep is posted! 


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Hi Michelle how are you?? Sorry for my english...do you know some One have radio on pleural mets?? My mother is EGFR+ and only pleural mets...I'm afraid... thanks and kiss from Italy!!

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My mother have only pleural mets and I hope that she Can be Ned one day....in the last PET there is a parzial remission with Tarceva from dicember and his markers CEA in the Blood is 5... sorry for my english...do you use the markers for see the trattament is good?? Many kiss from Italy for you and all!!!! Thanks

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Ok Michelle, thanks; my mother in this time have a very good performance. She is our babysitter for my two children in every afternoon in the last time, drive every day his new car and she is our of house for many time...many many kiss from Italy!!! And thanks for your time for answers

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Tom you were right that my sore throat didnt last too long only about 2 and a half weeks which I'm really pleased with so thanks for the confidence you give ..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone I just want to let you know that I had my 44th dose of opdivo yesterday and got my scan results which were NED and i feel so happy. Tom you were right when you said the radiotherapy would fry the lymph node in my neck and it did just that ...I start on monthly infusions now so that will feel more like a normal life than every fortnight ...I wish everyone on here the best of luck and keep positive because treatments are getting better every day 

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Hi Mally!  LUNGevity has LifeLine, which is a peer-to-peer mentoring service that matches up patients who are going through similar treatments.  Here is more information if you would like to be connected with someone on a similar treatment path. https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/peer-to-peer-mentoring

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Hi I think that would be a good thing to have someone to talk to that understands and to support and be supported 

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone I'm just wondering if anyone on opdivo treatment are having pain in joints like with me its shoulders and neck and at times into my arms and collarbone area ? My dr says it's an inflammatory condition caused by opdivo and the fact the pain moves around and comes and goes during the day hes confident that's what it is ...I've had scans and waiting on results next week but have any of you experienced pain in different areas and your dr says it's the inflammatory reaction to opdivo ?

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Hey Malloy,

I was thinking of you this morning where the newspaper is reporting about those horrible fires.   
Your report of immunotherapy side effects is quite common. Take a peek at the postings in the Durva feed @DFK wrote a really nice cheat sheet of common side effects and how to manage them.  
Congrats on the three year mark!! Many more to come.  Let us know how the scans turn out.  Prayers for continued NED.  

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It looks at times like the whole country is on fire and the sad part is that so many have been deliberately lit and I hope these people get punished severely because hundreds of houses have been lost and over a million animals have perished so it is a sad time for Australia at the moment ....thankyou for thinking of me ..

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