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Hi everyone its been a while since ive posted on here ..im having another 5 day radiotherepy 21 april for a lymph node in my neck and i also have this very thick like clusters of peas red tender on my upper chest and i pointed this out to my oncologist asking is this a lymph node and he didnt touch it but just said no and after my last ct scan i asked about it and by now they looked red and sore and had multiplied but they said they werent worried about them but im getting radiotherapy along with the node in my neck now so if he listened to me when there was one lump about 8 weeks ago but no one else has said they have had this so i cant get any information about it and google lead me to sarcoiditis which it says isnt cancer but they wouldnt do that treatment if it werent so for the first time in my cancer journey i feel out of control.

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Do I understand you are receiving another SBRT treatment?

I can't hazard a guess about the nature of the clusters of tender nodules.

Stay the course.


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My gp was the first to say i may need a biopsy on these nodules this is after asked my oncologist if this was a lymph node and pointed to it and he said no so i made another appointment at my dr surgery with the dr that does biopsies and at this stage there was about 6 or 7 nodules and he just looked with a surprised look and said "whats that ",and i said i dont know thats why im here so he prints out a script for antibiotics and said take these and come back in 2 weeks and i asked him if these antibiotics are ok to take while on immunotherepy and he said yes they are so i read up some things that suggests taking antibiotics is not good so i stopped taking them and asked my oncologist and he said i never should have been prescribed these when he didnt even know if i had an infection.....so ive never felt so out of control as i do now and these bumps have been seen by 2 oncologists and 3 gps and none seemed worried about them and now ive been measured up for radiotherapy and i dont get that until april 21st and they are warm and tender and slightly itchy and i accidently scratched too hard and a couple of them were oozing a clear liquid ...sorry for the rant im just confused 

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Oh good grief Mally.  You must feel so uncomfortable!  AND being given the MD run around.  Most of these GPs don't have any clue as to what these newer therapies are all about.  I'm so glad you did the homework as antibiotics and immuno don't mix.   

When I was first diagnosed I went to my PCP as part of the hospital discharge, my PCP said my diagnosis went way over his head.  At first I was miffed, but now I'm relieved because my onc in double boarded in Internal Medicine so he's my quasi PCP too.   It's worked out much better.   Are any of the docs down there double boarded to help you stream line your care. 

I do hope you feel better soon.  Take care. 


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9 hours ago, Mally said:

My gp was the first to say i may need a biopsy on these nodules this is after asked my oncologist if this was a lymph node and pointed to it and he said no so i made another appointment at my dr surgery with the dr that does biopsies and at this stage there was about 6 or 7 nodules and he just looked with a surprised look and said "whats that ",and i said i dont know thats why im here so he prints out a script for antibiotics and said take these and come back in 2 weeks and i asked him if these antibiotics are ok to take while on immunotherepy and he said yes they are so i read up some things that suggests taking antibiotics is not good so i stopped taking them and asked my oncologist and he said i never should have been prescribed these when he didnt even know if i had an infection.....so ive never felt so out of control as i do now and these bumps have been seen by 2 oncologists and 3 gps and none seemed worried about them and now ive been measured up for radiotherapy and i dont get that until april 21st and they are warm and tender and slightly itchy and i accidently scratched too hard and a couple of them were oozing a clear liquid ...sorry for the rant im just confused 

Hi Mally,

I’m not sure but has anybody thought it might be shingles?  I was at the end of Radiation/Chemo and developed some painful red bumps at the back of one thigh and turned out that’s what it was.  Are they only on 1 side?  Just a guess?  If it is, they should be able to give you something to help with the itching/pain until it runs it’s  course which unfortunately it has to do.  I hope you can find some relief/answers.


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I dont think they are painful enough for shingles because my mum had them many years ago and she said they were very painful but its going to be very sore after radiotherepy like severe sunburn so nothing to look forward to but if my upper arm / neck pain goes away ill be a very happy lady 

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  • 4 weeks later...

After months of shoulder and neck pain after 2 days of radiotherepy the pain went so that was great but i feel tired and no appetite which is unusual for me and a dry cough so the next scan wont come quick enough on 21st may to see if the radiotherepy has worked but times are more depressing with this corona virus to worry about ..

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Hi am ally,

Here is the US the Aussies are getting high marks for managing the pandemic, hopefully this nasty virus will burn itself out.  

I’m sorry you feel so crappy, sometimes with radiation (from what I hear from my friends) it was worse then chemo, particularly the fatigue and cough.  

This is a great shot to NED, hopefully you’ll get great news in the next few weeks.  We’re pulling for you!



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Thankyou Michelle could do with some good news and yes south Australia where i live is up to 13 days with no new cases and only 2 in hospital and none in intensive care ....i think closing all state borders has helped stop the spread here and isolation ..the only time ive left my house is to keep hospital appointments...i wish you guys had the same success 

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