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Hello everyone,

Suzanna here, and I am so pleased to meet you all (circumstances aside). My husband, Adam, was just diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC, adenocarcinoma. He is a healthy 53 year old, and we are relieved to find so many survivor stories and resources after spending several days in the black hole of bad news and terrible statistics. He is ready to fight and we have every possible advantage on our side. I know we have some of our toughest days yet to come, but I am really thankful to see that there are resources like this forum. I'm sure I'll be coming back with lots of specific questions and venting, but for now I just wanted to introduce myself and express my gratitude for finding this space. 

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Welcome Suzana,

I'm very sorry to learn of Adam's diagnosis. I believe he posted earlier.

Martha, my wife, was my caregiver and she had a hard row-to-hoe with me as the patient. When I look back on my time in treatment, I realize she held the much larger burden.

Lungevity has a zoom call on Thursday evenings for caregivers. @LUNGevityKristin is the call moderator. If you want to attend the call, hover your cursor over her name and you can private message her using the Envelope Icon on the bottom of the identification window. Another resource and expert caregiver is @Steff. She's cared for her mother through a very difficult treatment period. I'm sure she will be along to lend her support to your cause.

Questions? This is the place.

Stay the course.


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Hi Suzanna and welcome. Tom has given you some good suggestions. Do let us know what questions you may have and how we can support you. Feel free to vent and rant as needed!

Bridget O

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Hi Suzanna!  Our next Caregiver Meetup is this Thursday and we would love for you to join!  All of the information and sign up form can be found here: https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/virtual-meetups-for-lung-cancer-patients-survivors-and

We have a several other new caregivers and I think connecting with them could be really helpful if you are interested. :)

LUNGevity also has a Caregiver Resource Center that may be helpful as well: https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/caregiver-resource-center

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Welcome Suzanna!  I'm happy to hear that you and your husband are finding positive survivor stories and good resources here.  Do know that we are here for you anytime you have a question or need to vent!  

Take Care,


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