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As you can see I'm Boobie Chickenbrain which I loudly protest! Now let's here it from the rest of you. What is your new name?

> you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to

> break up the day. And, if we are honest, we have a lot more

> stressful days

> than not-


> Here is your dose of humor...Follow the instructions to find

> your new name.


> Once you have your new name, put it in the Subject box and

> forward it to

> friends and family and coworkers. Don't forget to forward it

> back to the

> person who sent it to you, so they know you participated. And

> don't go

> all adult-my son-in-law's senior manager is now known far and

> wide as

> Dorky

> Gizzardsniffer.


> The following is an excerpt from a children's book, "Captain

> Underpants And

> the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants" by Dave Pilkey. The

> evil

> Professor forces everyone to assume new names......



> Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new

> first


> name:

> a = poopsie b = lumpy

> c = buttercup d = gadget


> e = crusty f = greasy


> g = fluffy h = cheeseball

> i = chim-chim j = stinky

> k = flunky l = boobie

> m = pinky n = zippy

> o = goober p = doofus

> q = slimy r = loopy

> s = snotty t = tootie

> u = dorkey v = squeezit

> w = oprah x = skipper

> y = dinky z = zsa-zsa


> Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first

> half of

> your new last name:


> a = apple b = toilet

> c = giggle d = burger

> e = girdle f = barf

> g = lizard h = waffle

> i = cootie j = monkey

> k = potty l = liver

> m = banana n = rhino

> o = bubble p = hamster

> q = toad r = gizzard

> s = pizza t = gerbil

> u = chicken v = pickle


> w = chuckle x = tofu

> y = gorilla z = stinker


> Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second

> half of

> your new last name:


> a = head b = mouth

> c = face d = nos


> e = tush f = breath

> g = pants h = shorts

> i = lips j = honker

> k = butt l = brain

> m = tushie n = chunks

> o = hiney p = biscuits

> q = toes r = buns

> s = fanny t = sniffer

> u = sprinkles v = kisser


> w = squirt x = humperdinck

> y = brains z = juice



> Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is Goober

> Chickenshorts.






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Buttercup GirdleTush...

Sandy, WaffleBuns are caused by being spanked with a tennis racket when you were a kid... :wink: (My son came out as a WaffleBuns as well...)

Now, the GirdleTush brings to mind a visual of the proper Victorian young lady with all her tummy chub squeezed and pushed up and down - the "girdletush" I see is that roll of fat below the corset! (& in my case, you could probably rest a six-pack on it!)

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I'm Tootie Gerbil-Head and proud of it!

But even funnier is that my big brother T-Bone is Loopy Apple-Brain. Seems appropriate after those whole brain radiation treatments!

Thanks for the laugh - everything else I read this morning, especially after talking to a not-feeling-well-at-all T-Bone, was making me cry.


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