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Hi everyone 

I got the results from the CT scan today the lung tumor is continuing to shrink and there is no other spread of the disease to anywhere else, they said they were hoping for just being stable but that this is even better than they could have hoped for, it is definitely a relief to have some good news for a change and has made me feel a bit better about the future hopefully all will be good with the gamma knife radiosurgery and they can get rid of them aswell thank you to everyone for the support 

Take care Justin x 

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Thank you Tom I really hope the gamma knife sorts the rest out I'm not sure of the success rate but it does sound like positive outcomes from the stories I have read 

Many thanks Justin 

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Okay Justin...now is the time to celebrate...every small improvement and better than expected scan deserves smiles, happiness and time with family and friends.  Get out there and enjoy the life you're fighting for.


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Thanks lou I will, it definitely has helped having some good news today my family are over the moon so that's brilliant, take care Justin 

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Oh Justin, I’m so glad your scan was so positive. That’s so fantastic! There’s a tonne of research into Gamma knife that shows it is incredibly successful… so I think you’re in really good hands. Stay positive and celebrate the good news!!

All the best,

Gini x

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Hi gini 

Thank you for your message and support, the news yesterday was definitely what I needed to help I'm worried sick that the gamma knife will not work and that there only doing it because they have to I keep reading online all the stuff I probably shouldn't read about survival rates the cancer nurse did try and reassure me that the Internet is wrong and they wouldn't be doing this type of treatment for no reason,  I hope your doing well and feeling good 

Take care Justin x 

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Hi Justin,

As my doctor friend said when I was first diagnosed, the one thing we know for sure is that the NHS wouldn’t frivolously spend money and resources on something they didn’t believe would work (which I actually found weirdly reassuring!) All I can say is, step away from the internet. I am totally guilty of doing the same thing (googling to try to find reassurance… but then just spiralling because of the stats). But as others have said, the stats are out of date and don’t take into account your individual circumstances. Easier said than done, but try to put them out of your mind. All we can do is stay hopeful and take each day as it comes… one step at a time. Where there is treatment, there is always hope! 


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Thank you gini 

I am going to try and take some positive from everything and stay away from the Internet it does seem pointless spending lots of money and time on something that wouldn't work it's just hard to take everything in I dont know how everyone else seems to process it better than I am but even people on this site are positive about treatments I can't seem to get past the worst scenario but thank you for all helping 

Take care Justin x 

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Very happy to hear your good news and hoping each day will continue to show positive results!   We Love hearing abou good scans !  YAY!  Take Care Justin and best wishes!  

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Thank you lisa 

Roll on next Thursday for the gamma knife I'm absolutely worried sick about having it done but just want it over with now, thank you for your message and support it means a lot 

Take care Justin x 

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Congrats, Justin! I agree that you should stay away from Dr. Google. It will just make you crazy. You are an individual, not a statistic. Once you continue to see improvement from treatment you'll become more confident. Everything I've heard about gamma knife is that it's precise and effective. I had fractional radiation and that worked too. Good luck! 

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I'm so pleased to hear that you have some positive news Justin. EMandM is right that the NHS wouldn't bother spending money on treatment if they didn't think it could be successful. The fact that the doctors say that the results are way better than expected is fantastic. 

Good luck with the gamma knife treatment. Keep us updated x


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Thank you judym2 and catlady91 it does feel a bit more reassuring when you get some good news and that there is treatment available, I'm dreading the gamma knife radiosurgery but know its essential to have it done, thank you for all the support 

Take care Justin x

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I have something you should try to visualize:
o someone is trying to hurt you...it could quickly get very serious.

o someone else comes along and stands between you and the dangerous person.  They go so far as to eliminate them as a threat to you.

The "savior" is your SBRT treatment...you already know who the bad guy is.  In life you would run to the good guy...the protector...think of your treatment that way.  I always appreciated when Tom would say something like; "let's fry that sucker"....

Try this a few times; close your eyes, breathe in and out slowly and deeply, imagine the danger and then the protector...you may not realize it, but you're fearing the wrong thing.


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Thanks lou 

I know I have to have it done just worried about the procedure I'm mot a fan of any medical treatment, I will try and think more positive and give what you said a go I'm so pleased for the good scan I was actually dreading the results but they were so pleased with them they said they usually wouldn't give them over the phone but my oncologist was so happy with the results that they could ring me with the great news, I hope after the gamma knife radiosurgery I start feeling more positive about beating this it's just really hard at the moment to take a win incase its for no reason as I think In my head I have already lost so don't have anything else to lose, my family keep telling me the Dr's have said I haven't been given a death sentence so why am I behaving like they did I just don't understand it I know they said my medication is not helping my mental well being and hopefully the symptoms will die down, thank you for your message and support 

Take care Justin 

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Hi all, Justin’s mum here, this is all so difficult as Jus can’t seem to get himself out of this deep hole he’s got into, we have tried but he can only see the worst scenario and not a more positive one, I know it’s hard for him as it is for all the family but here’s hoping after the gamma knife surgery he will start to feel a bit more positive. Thanks for all your wonderful support it is so appreciated and I know it helps him to read it all, here’s hoping he will find some positivity after next Thursday and start to enjoy his life. Thanks again for all you support.           Best wishes to you all Isla xx

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It's understandable that Justin feels depressed and deflated, but it's normal. All cancer sufferers are faced with the idea of death (even if the cancer is not terminal) and it's terrifying. My mum felt the same way. She was terrified and scared but it's just the shock and the fear.

Treatment for lung cancer has come so far. There's been so much progress made. It's no longer a death sentence. Even my the doctor who diagnosed my mum said that 10/15 years ago it would have been very bad news for her and she would only be offered palliative care but now treatment has come so far. 

There are people with stage 4 who have been living with cancer for years and are thriving. When mum was first diagnosed I knew absolutely zero about cancer- for me it's either something that's curable or terminal. I couldn't have ever imagined that people could live with cancer. 

Justin has every reason to stay positive. Xx 

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Thanks catlady I do feel a bit better today I had a bit of a meltdown last night and decided enough is enough I can't keep doing this to my family or myself,  it's just cruel to give up if everyone else is fighting for me I'm going to have the treatment done and hopefully get back on track I'm not keen on staying on the medication but not sure how long after I have to take it for I'm worried about the procedure and after affects but know I don't have a choice thankfully most people say they don't have any problems afterwards so fingers crossed, I hate the weakness I feel in my body, lack of strength and losing weight are worrying me but it's probably stress causing it I'm sure once it's done I'll start to feel better 

Take care Justin x 

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Around here we all know how you feel. Especially at the beginning it's a very up and down experience emotionally. It's not "good days" vs "bad days". It's more like "good moments" vs "bad moments". Up down up down. Ugh. It's maddening and at times depressing.

Eventually it should all sort of level out with only the occasional navel gazing moment of negativity/hopelessness. We are all so lucky to live in these times of new treatments seemingly being produced every month. 

Hang in there Justin. You are not alone. We'll get through this together. 😊

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Thank you walkinghorse I really do appreciate your support and everyone else's,it does help reading the helpful responses I find myself looking on the site an awful lot, I will fight this and I'm really glad I have everyone on here for support, I hope your doing well and thank you again for your kind message 

Take care Justin 

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Thanks catlady, these responses really help, I know it’s early days yet but it breaks my heart to see him hurting so much inside, I know what he means by feeling so alone, I feel the same even with people around me, I know he will get there and your support is vital to his recovery, thanks for being there for him I know how much he relies on your support as do all the family xx thanks again Best wishes Isla xx

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Hi everyone 

So think I'm actually starting to feel a bit more like myself,can't wait to get Thursday out of the way now and start moving forward with my life and being with my family, I'm not sure how fast the gamma knife radiosurgery takes to actually work I just wondered if anyone else did,  my oncologist did say it can take up to 6 months depending on size, I have a 2mm and a 11mm but they didn't really say how long it would take to work many thanks in advance 


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My CyberKnife assault on my 3.5cm lung nodule took but 3 consecutive days, 20 minutes each session. The scan after 6 months showed no evidence of disease.

Stay the course.


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Hi Justin,

I am so glad you are feeling better mentally - although I don’t blame you for taking a bit of a dive after the shock of your latest news.

Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (also known as cyber/gamma knife) can take anything from 3 to 12 months to show results. I have been told that the 12 month point is likely the most reliable. It just takes cancer cells that long to die. But at 3 months you should get some sense of whether it has worked. My impression from my quite extensive reading is that brain treatment has a very high success rate, and your largest lesion is the size of a pea, so your chances are very, very good of zapping them to oblivion.

Good luck with Thursday - it’ll be over soon. Rikke

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