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second opinion

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It is always good policy when a major medical decision is to be made to get a second opinion. One doctor doesn't know everything -- he or she is relying on his or her experience, which may or may not cover your mom's case. Each case is individual,and your odds of doing the right thing are increased if you get more than one opinion. Sometimes the second opinion agress with the first, and you can have better confidence that you are pursuing the right path. If they disagree, yo may have to get a third opinion, or choose from the choices you are presented. It isn't that we know anything more than you, it is that it just makes good sense to check around. Good luck. Don

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As Don says second opinions help cement that you are making the right decision for care.

Also, the rapport you feel with the dr. can help or hinder this journey. We had two exact treatment plans, but my husband felt more comfortable with the second doctor.

BUT do not let the second opinion slow down the treatment schedule.

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I agree that a second opinion is a good thing, especially if your gut tells you so. When my dad had brain mets in Dec., his doc immediatly scheduled whole brain radiation, but we took dad to a neurologist to see if he could get Gamma Knife. Now, it is a very individual thing, what type of treatments a person wants, but Dad agreed that if he qualified-medically-he wanted to go the Gamma way. He did, and all went GREAT. A second opinion is helpful because, believe, that doctors tend to have a 'comfort zone' that they seldom will venture out of. Thats not to say they're wrong, but you could be missing out on another perspective, another way, that would be better for your mom. Just my opinion. Take care, and keep us posted about what you and your mom decide. Deb

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Our oncologist suggested a second opinion since he said that Bill's disease was indeed a tough one. Being a very humble and gracious doctor, he also gave credit to God for the many miracles he has experienced and encouraged us to explore every single option that came our way.

Blessings to you,


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When the oncologist told my husband his tumor was inoperable, our family doctor sent us for a 2nd opinion. He said that the surgeons at our hospital were "conservative" and that surgeons at the University of Michigan may have another opinion on surgery. So we went and although he was still considered inoperable, we were glad they went over his treatment plan and said they would be doing the same things there. So it does at least give you peace of mind that you're headed the right way.

Also, the doctors on the team thought they saw growth in the arenal gland

on the film that the others had missed, so sometimes you need a second set of eyes looking at those films.

For myself, years ago a 2nd opinion saved my life. I had just graduated from college and became horribly ill with fevers up to 105 and pneumonia. I was in and out of emergency, finally admitted and seen by a lung specialist after lung specialist. I became sicker and sicker and I knew I my body was failing. They finally called in an internist, he walked in and made the diagnosis in about one minute. How? He had lost another patient years ago to the same disease and recognized it. While everyone was concentrating on a lung infection, it was actually a heart infection (endocarditis) from having my teeth cleaned at the dentist! So everyone has different things to bring to the table.

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I also agree with Don on this one. We begged for a second opinion. I agreed with her doctors at first, but after being here and hearing all of things that are out there. I wanted to try something new and her doctor didn't really go out on a limb. I didn't think of that until it was to late. If we had gone for a second opinion..... who knows what would have happend?

Good luck to ya. and hang in there.


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In my opinion, a second opinion can only bring about positives. If you get a second opinion, and it is the same as the first doctor, what you gain is peace of mind and assurance you are on the right track. You may get the same diagnosis, but the doctor may know of alternative treatments that the first doctor is unaware of, or may have a different approach that is more in line with what you want. In addition, a second opinion can really change your whole course of action. The first doctor my husband saw told us he had Hodgekins disease which is totally curable. The second doctor said SCLC, and when we went to the Mayo Clinic we were told Atypical Carcinoid. Since the Mayo Clinic has more experience with cancer pathologies, they see hundreds more than the average hospital, that is the diagnosis we trusted. However, the did agree with the treatment plan of the second doctor, so we felt a little more at ease with our scheduled treatment.

If there is no harm in it, and all that can come out is knowledge and assurance, why not get a second opinion. I would understand foregoing one for simple diagnosis' such as bronchitis, but when you are talking about a life threatening diagnosis, you need to get all the best doctors' opinions possible.

Wish you lots of luck, and will be praying for you,


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