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Tagrisso - One year in but looks like my cancer has begun resistance


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My main tumor in the right lung has shrunk 80% but is no longer shrinking.  In fact, it has widened by .03 Cm.  I also have something growing in the left lung.  3.2 by 3.7 Cm now.  Rest of the chest area is still clean.  Appt with oncologist on Monday, but looks like Tagrisso is barely holding off the inevitable advance.  Oh well, maybe a new drug, but I like the zero side effects with Tagrisso. I’ll advise what oncologist plan is

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Others with more experience will likely respond soon but I'm sorry to hear that Tagrisso is not doing the job it did before.  My LC treatment was purely surgical so I have no experience too share regarding any form of chemo, but I have read of other drugs that were used in such cases and I'm sure your oncologist will make the right recommendations for you.  Please keep us updated and I look forward to hearing that you have an alternative treatment and good results to go with it.


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Stupid cancer. You are really being slammed. There's a lot of work being done on post treatment after Tagrisso resistance. I am hoping they can get in and get some tissue on those stupid new growths-- maybe there's a new mutation? Only a biopsy can tell, and it's pretty important that you get another one.  If you want, I can dig around some of my notes about some of the post-Tagrisso work being done. 


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Thanks Lou.  Hi Karen.  Sure let me know what you can dig up.  I meet with oncologist on Monday to see what his plan is.  Kindly 

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I wish I had words of wisdom for your tumor growth. As you've suggested, sometimes Targeted Therapies lose their target. I do hope your oncologist has another remedy teed up for you. I hear Boseman is avoiding our collective heat bubble meltdown. Stay cool and...

Stay the course.


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I hope your oncologist chooses the right therapy for you. I'm with you on the side effects I deal with bad knee pain and sensitive to sun . So far it's manageable and still working. Good luck my friend with your next treatment 


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Thanks all.  Well, I’m no Oncologist.  He looked at me like I’m nuts.  He said the mass they see on the left lung area is right where they were zapping the esophagus tumor.  It’s a byproduct of the radiation and yes it grew, because the scan they did in January was right after radiation ended.  So he told me I don’t have any new tumors.  He also said the original lung cancer mass may be dead tissue.  The only way to determine if that is still cancer is via PET scan and there is zero reason to order one.  Until I have symptom which worries him, he isn’t worried about that Mass right now.  

was also interesting in that he said the esophagus cancer may come back.  Yes it was stage II, but it might have entered the blood stream before they killed it.  So have to monitor that.  So all in all, I’m going to live for now and Tagrisso resistance isn’t here yet.  I failed as an oncologist.  So thankful for all the support

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Haha, Kamoto, and there you were, ready to hang out a shingle. So glad to hear this news.

My onco-radiologist has taught me a lot about what happens when stuff dies. It was good to hear when one of my brain reports came back mentioning "multiple metastases." She just shook her head and said whoever read the scan initially was doing a CYA; she and another onco-radiologist read the scans and saw a couple of blood vessels.

Tumors do weird stuff when they're dying and dead. Glad yours are well on the way to dead. The esophageal report is concerning, of course, but I bet there's a little CYA going on there, too. Glad you're going to focus on life-- there's so much to revel in!


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