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Find out about Metastisis tomorrow


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Dear LCS Family,

Your prayers have certainly lifted me up. I did do a little retail therapy on the way home form my onc appt. I personally like to shop at Ross, where you can find name brands for less!Ha! I overheard you get 20% off if employed there! Hey,I would actually need to take on another job to get that 2004 Escalade I'd like to have!!! I am not to sure about the motorcycle, I think a scooter is more my type! I am on the lower end of risk taking

Alas, back to the grim reality of living with lung cancer. I already knew that there was metastasis, but was unsure of how wide spread, I have Adeno-BAC. Knowing this, I anticipated the likeliness of spread to my other lung. That my friends is exactly what has happened. I have three nodules in my left, and now two more in my right lung. No other cancer was seen on the CT. As many of you know, I discussed options in a previous post. I have chosen to do nothing. My onc asked if I wanted to do a thoracotomy to confirm the nodules as being cancer. I asked him "what are the chances of it being benign if they grew since my last scan?" I also told him that I did not want the surgery just to confirm a diagnosis, but would if they would use the nodule taken to make the GVAX vaccine. Now, I know that they will not take tissue samples from inside the lung- yet. But I am holding out for something curative, that of which chemo is not. Chemo and Iressa are still available options for me furhter on down the line, but for now, I chose nothing. I feel healthy and want to live my live fully until the situation worsens. My onc said this is what he would do himmself if faced with the same situaion. I really feel good. I have no shortness of breath at all, but then again the nodules are 1cm and under. I was afraid of mets to the brain or liver, my onc said "Cancer has a certain pattern that it wants to follow, and there is little one can do to stop it. It doesn't have to grow large to metastasize where it wants to go. As a matter of fact it usually metastasizes while small and early on. BAC usually stays within the lung, but it has been know to spread outside the lung too. Cancer is unpredictable that way. Chemo is least effective on BAC."

So, for now I wait and pray for no more changes and growth, and for the GVAX trials to open up. I thank you wonderful, supportive people for your prayers and well wishes. There is such power in prayer. God hears us, and we will one day find a cure!!! Tess, I hope your husband scans turned out good. Keeping you all in my prayers.


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Dear Cheryl,

Well my friend, that's not really what I had prayed for regarding your results. I have talked to a few people that have/had BAC, and they have said exactly what your Onc Doc has said about it.

Cheryl, I know your a strong person, and I can't begin to tell you how much you have grown, or changed in the last few months. I always look back to our beginning days on this journey and BOY do WE learn how to count our blessings when we continue with this journey of being a lung cancer survivor. I want NOTHING BUT GOOD things for you, only because your heart is filled with love and kindness and I know that makes you a beautiful person and the person you are.

I will continue to say my prayers in wishing you many years right here on earth. And while I'm at it, I always add Jack in my prayers, because I know how much that man loves you. I hope he is doing well too!

God has a plan for all of us.

Much Love and Support,


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Of course, I wish the news had been better. But then you are strong and assertive when it comes to your treatment and will do what is necessary as it is necessary.

As I have stated so many times before, I am a cockeyed optimist and believe that every day we are alive offers yet another chance for that bug eyed scientist to yell 'Eureka'. It is only in the last couple of months I have heard of GVAX.

I will continue to include you in my prayers. Go enjoy life.


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Cheryl, my good friend, I am so sorry you now have the beast in the other lung. I know you have researched and reflected a lot and your plan seems right for you. I support you wholeheartedly. Hang in there. If you feel good, that goes a long way. My best to you and Jack. Don

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Dear Cheryl,

I am sorry to hear that the results showed the cancer spread. You have an amazing attitude and I admire you for your strength. You do still have options and much hope.

I pray that the cancer stays stable and that God keeps you feeling well. Hugs to you dear Cheryl.

Andrea B.

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I love your attitude. I am so sorry you have spread to the other lung - I can understand your frustration. Have you considered celebrex? They are really feeling great about its antiangiogenesis properties and if you go on it for nothing more than an anti-inflamatory/pain killer it shouldn't exclude you from any future treatment? (Just a thought...)

At any rate, you remain in my prayers.


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Feeling we have control in this means a great deal. We all hoped and prayed for different results, but we all support your decision. May you continue to feel well and enjoy your loves in life...as we all wait and hope for major breakthroughs in treatment for this insidious disease.

Peace and blessings,


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Guest natalie (not logged in)


I'm so sorry about the news but I am in awe of your strength and outlook. You are my role model. Here's praying that a trial opens up for you soon.

I like Ross too! I always find GREAT deals on household items there. Especially framed pictures and beautiful vases. My mom was such a Ross and Marshall addict. She's been to every single Ross there is in our 100 mile radius (this is not a joke, I'm serious) Her being French and all it always surprised me, but when she discovered these places and saw that she could get a Ralph Lauren jacket for 70% off retail price, no one could get her to shop at a Neiman Marcus or Saks ever again! See said it was like giving jam to pigs. (Imagine this statement in a French accent)

Cheryl, I have high hopes for that GVAX vaccine. Keep us posted on your progress. I hope Jack is recovering really well.

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Hi Cheryl,

It certainly is not the news we all wanted to hear. I admire your bravery and courage. You are going to fight this disease on your own terms. I pray that the GVAX trial opens up for you and that more advances in research is made available to people that are battling this disease. I will be praying for your continued good disposition, that God grants you more wonderful years here on earth.


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I too, am sorry the results were not better, but hey, they could have been worse, right?! :?

I am glad that you are feeling so well, and that pesky cancer is not interfering with your daily life. I hope this continues for a long time to come.

Wishing you well,


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